The University of Arizona

Reports submitted for 2007

These reports from Arizona describe the impacts of research, extension and academic programs undertaken in 2006. An impact statement is a brief summary of the economic, environmental and/or social impact of a land-grant program. It states accomplishments and their payoff to society.

Enhance Economic Opportunities for Agricultural Producers

Maize Microarray Project: A Tool for Crop Research and Improvement HTML
Cotton IPM: A Decade of Reduced Insecticide Use in Arizona HTML
Better Nitrogen Management in Irrigated Cotton HTML
Low Input Barley HTML
Aquaculture Pathology Laboratory Assists Shrimp Industry HTML
New Arid Land Crop Plants with Anticancer Activity HTML
Functional Genomics of Maize Chromatin Proteins HTML
Arizona Meteorological Network (AZMET) Aids Crop Decisions HTML


Support Increased Economic Opportunities and Improved Quality of Life in Rural America

Project LEAP: A 4-H Leadership Education Adventure for Pre-Teens HTML
Life and Job Skills Training: "The Extension Connection" HTML
Arizona 4-H Character Counts: Educating Cochise County Youth HTML
Arizona 4-H Military Partnership HTML


Improve the Nation's Nutrition and Health

Better Nutrtion Through EFNEP HTML
First Cell Culture System for Growth of Human Norovirus HTML
Introductory Nutrition Course Offered Online HTML
EFNEP Knowledge is Power–Nutrition Education for Healthier Families HTML
Walk Across Arizona–Exercise Program for Seniors HTML


Protect and Enhance the Nation's Natural Resource Base and Environment

Saving Energy Costs with Operation Cool Shade HTML
School IPM: Children's Environmental Health Program HTML
The Master Naturalist/Watershed Steward Program HTML