Improve the Nation's Nutrition and Health
Better Nutrition Through EFNEP
Impact Nugget
In 2004-2005 more than 3,249 low-income families which included 12,650 family members and 4,060 youth attended EFNEP classes in Arizona; as a result of the program, nearly 94 percent reported positive changes in choosing healthy items for meals, and Arizona ranked first in nationally in its funding tier in actual dietary improvement from entry to exit from the program.
EFNEP, the Extension Food and Nutrition Education Program, addresses the needs of low-income, minority families and youth nationwide. The goal is to teach families with children to stretch their limited food dollars, plan and prepare nutritious foods and make informed choices about food and other lifestyle issues that support family health and well-being. Funded nationally by the USDA, EFNEP is staffed locally in each state and the U.S. territories by Extension-trained nutrition educators.
What has been done?
Arizona's EFNEP program is offered in 5 of the state's 15 counties. The EFNEP curriculum includes methods of meal planning, food shopping and budget management skills, handling food properly, food storage and sanitation as well as improving family nutrition and health. By the time parents graduate from the program, participants have learned how to use government-issued commodity foods, compare food labels, and choose a healthy diet while still cutting expenses.
From 2003-2005 more than 3,249 low-income families which included 12,650 family members and 4,060 youth attended EFNEP classes in Arizona; 350 volunteers assisted with family nutrition education. The Arizona EFNEP program included 81 percent minorities (Hispanic, black, Asian and American Indian). As a result of the program, nearly 94 percent reported positive changes in choosing healthy items for meals. About 80 percent improved their general nutrition overall, and 65 percent improved their food safety practices. Although Arizona ranked 7th in overall behavior change compared with 10 other states in its funding range, Arizona ranked first nationally in its funding tier in actual dietary improvement from entry to exit from the program.
Smith-Lever 3(d) e.g., EFNEP
In-kind agency as well as cash donations
Scottie Misner, EFNEP Coordinator
The University of Arizona, Department of Nutritional Sciences
Shantz Bldg., Room 309
Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
Telephone: (520) 621-7123 FAX: (520) 621-9446
Email: misner@ag.arizona.edu
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