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Project LEAP: A 4-H Leadership Education Adventure for Pre-Teens
Impact Nugget
A 4-H program for pre-teens aged 11-13 involved 56 youth in activities designed to give them a sense of belonging and build their leadership and decision making skills: more than 84 percent showed gains in these areas according to pre-program and post-program surveys.
Because adolescents are often testing boundaries and their role in the adult world, they may leave behind the groups in which they were previously involved. If they don’t find a suitable replacement niche, they may succumb to the temptations of gangs and drug and alcohol abuse. Arizona 4-H camping activities have typically been limited to teens over the age of 14. Providing alternative opportunities not only give pre-teens a sense of belonging (thus promoting 4-H youth development and helping to ensure membership as an older teen) but also offers valuable life skills development.
What has been done?
Project LEAP (Leadership Education Adventure for Pre-teens) was created for southern Arizona youth aged 11-13 to give them the chance to take part in activities that enhance leadership skills, boost self-esteem and improve their decision-making skills. Workshops, activities and demonstrations that were held for this age group in 2004 and 2005 under the name “Tweeners Camp” included horse care, GPS training, archery, hiking, and arts and crafts. Outside demonstrations included experiences with Army dogs, challenge games, and an Army simulated “boot camp.” In addition, more than 40 4-H youth performed community service projects, including preparing holiday baskets for needy families; rebuilding an archery site and refurbishing trash cans at a local facility rented for LEAP activities. As a service project for Cochise County, Teen/Pre-Teen Council members collaboratively wrote a grant to the county health department that would fund swim parties to encourage physical activity and include mini-lessons on diabetes and asthma during those events. The council sponsored three community service events fostering health and fitness for Cochise County 4-H members and leaders. A “Plan & Play” was held for teens and pre-teens from Cochise, Fort Huachuca and Santa Cruz counties, allowing youth ages 11-18 to identify needs, plan programs and events, and practice leadership skills.
Overall, youth participants were taught numerous physical activities to encourage productive, healthy lifestyles, and were trained to identify current activities and skills needed to avoid risky behaviors. They had opportunities to interact with people of diverse cultures, to make new friends, and to learn safe camping practices in preparation for the time when they are old enough to attend 4-H teen and leadership camps.
The first LEAP Camp utilized the new Arizona Life Skills Evaluation tool available online. Forty-four (44) participants were surveyed with 100 percent responding; 14 questions were asked and were scored on a 4 point scale (1=no, 2=sometimes, 3=usually, 4=yes). Life skills that were tested included wise use of resources, communication, accepting differences, useful/marketable skills, and self-responsibility. Average for all indicators showed a pre-test total of 3.28 and a post-test total of 3.75. Overall, the percent of participants who made gains from pre-program to post-program was more than 84 percent.
As a result, middle schooler (pre-teen) involvement in 4-H activities has expanded to include nearly 50 percent of all Cochise County Teen/Pre-Teen Council events within the past 6 months of implementation. Previously, these youth were not allowed to become a part of this group. During this past year, some events would have been cancelled because of a lack of interest had it not been for the involvement of this population of young pre-teens. Teen Council typically presents all of the Achievement Night awards, but this year two pre-teens also spoke to the nearly 200 attendees. The addition of a dessert auction allowed more than 30 pre-teens and younger youth to participate in the program.
During 2005 involvement numbers for middle school youth shifted. In 2004, 50 percent of youth involved were pre-teens. In 2005, evaluation data shows that of three events pre-teen involvement has increased from half to roughly two-thirds of the Teen/Pre-Teen Council and their activities. They were evaluated in areas such as “assisting a group in meeting its goals by showing or directing along the way; using personal influence to guide a group in reaching its goal, organizing a group to reach its goal, and contributing as a member of the team.” According to evaluations for 86 participants, the percent of participants who made gains from pre-program to post-program was 66 percent.
“We've never had anything for us [pre-teens] before. You have always had to be 13 to do anything fun in 4-H. Tweeners Camp was the greatest weekend of my life. Now I get to do all the stuff the teens get to!” –pre-teen participant
“The best part of LEAP Camp was that I made friends with younger kids. I'm a better role model, now!" –11-year-old participant
“This program is very [much] needed for this age of children. The kids were willing to help, participate and enjoy each other. There were no cliques, no ‘problem children’, and great enthusiasm. Counselors were educated in every way. LEAP was planned out great. Hope to see you next year and many years to come!” –adult chaperone for LEAP program
Arizona Cooperative Extension
Darcy Tessman
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development
Cooperative Extension
The University of Arizona
1140 N. Colombo, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
(520) 458-8278 ext. 2140 office
(520) 458-5823 fax
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