The University of Arizona

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Improve the Nation's Nutrition and Health
Arizona Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program

Impact Nugget
Arizona Cooperative Extension, in partnership with other agencies in the Arizona Nutrition Network, provides nutrition and health education for food stamp-eligible families; in 2004 Cooperative Extension faculty and volunteers in the Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program directly contacted 13,126 persons in community events, 12,562 children in schools, and 13,377 adults and seniors, and in one county, 30 students walked 180 miles in 3 weeks as a result of one program.

Families eligible for food stamps often need help receiving food stamps, getting referrals to social service agencies, and planning meals and eating healthy foods within limited budgets. Less than a quarter of those eligible for food stamps actually receive them.

What has been done?
Arizona Cooperative Extension faculty, in partnership with local social service agencies, county health departments, and other community organizations in the Arizona Nutrition Network, teach a variety of programs to food stamp-eligible families throughout the state. The social marketing campaign provides consistent messages on three themes: “Add physical activity to your day”; “go low–drink 1% milk or lower”; and “Eat 5 A Day” to increase fruits and vegetable consumption. Other topics include healthy eating based upon the dietary guidelines and the food guide pyramid, increasing calcium consumption, increasing physical activity, food safety, and eating for disease prevention. Local staff and volunteers distribute educational materials through classes, workshops, health fairs, after school programs, parents’ groups, community and wellness centers, food banks and other venues.

In 2004, Cooperative Extension faculty and volunteers in the Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program directly contacted 13,126 persons in community events, 12,562 children in schools, and 13,377 adults and seniors. The total number of direct contacts for the Arizona Nutrition Network were 582,608. And, Extension’s indirect contacts through newsletters, radio and television, as part of the social marketing campaign reached 4,894,931 in Arizona. In one county, 30 students walked 180 miles in 3 weeks as a result of one program. In another county 45 adults received their food handler card through food safety training; post evaluation at three workshops showed increased knowledge of hidden fats in foods and the importance of reading labels and understanding portion size.

Department of Economic Security
Arizona Nutrition Network
Cooperative Extension faculty and staff salary match
In-kind support through personnel, facilities, equipment, supplies, and co-sponsoring events

Scottie Misner, PhD, RD
State EFNEP/FSNEP Coordinator
The University of Arizona
Nutritional Sciences
309 Shantz, P.O.Box 210038
Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
Tel: 520-621-7123 FAX:520-621-9446

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