Improve the Nation's Nutrition and Health
EFNEP Knowledge is Power–Nutrition Education for Healthier Families
Impact Nugget
EFNEP nutrition educators in Maricopa County (including the Phoenix
metropolitan area) taught 2,256 families in 2004; reports show that
92 percent of the participants exited the program with a positive overall
change in any food group such as consuming more fruits and vegetables
and decreasing sugar and fat intake.
Hunger and poor health contributes to debilitating factors such as increased
chronic disease, homelessness, family stress and deterioration, and
child health related diseases due to inadequate nutrition. The Native
American reservations are combating diabetes at an alarming rate and
the African American and Hispanic communities are struggling with diabetes
and high blood pressure. Americans as a whole are faced with the same
nutrition related problems. Proper nutrition plays a major role in combating
food related diseases.
What has been done?
EFNEP, the Extension Food and Nutrition Education Program strengthens
low-income families through education. Families learn about making sound
nutritional choices based on dietary guidelines, by improving their
overall nutrition and health, and learning skills to manage their money
through optimum grocery purchasing and applying safe food practices.
Education regarding the positive effects of healthy food choices gives
families the power to decrease the negative effects of poor food choices.
Thus EFNEP classes stress positive choices, such as increasing consumption
of fruits and vegetables and decreasing the negative effects of poor
food choices such as high fat, sugar and salt intake.
EFNEP nutrition educators in Maricopa County (including the Phoenix
metropolitan area) taught 2,256 families in 2004. The number of households
enrolled in one or more food assistance programs as a result of EFNEP
assistance was over 1,100 households.
In 2004, ninety-two percent of the participants exited the program with
a positive overall change in any food group such as consuming more fruits
and vegetables and decreasing sugar and fat intake. Seventy-two percent
of EFNEP participants showed improvement in planning meals, not running
out of food and using grocery lists when shopping. Simple money-management
techniques taught in EFNEP empowered families to use food-dollars more
wisely and make healthier food decisions. Eighty percent of the participants
showed improvement in one or more nutrition practices, such as preparing
food without adding salt, and 71 percent showed improvements in food
safety practices.
Smith-Lever 3 (d): EFNEP
In-kind from agencies
Ruth Jackson, extension agent, FCS/EFNEP coordinator
The University of Arizona
Maricopa County Cooperative Extension
4341 E. Broadway Road
Phoenix, AZ 85040-8807
Tel.: (602) 470-8086, FAX: (602) 470-8092
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