The University of Arizona

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Support Increased Economic Opportunities and Improved Quality of Life in Rural America
Operation Cool Shade

Impact Nugget
By planting shade trees around their homes, 504 homeowners in Pima County, Arizona, saved a projected $69,788 in electrical costs during the peak summer months in 2004.

Studies show that proper shading of the home can reduce energy consumption by as much as 20 percent. In 2000 the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension in Pima County joined with Tri-Co Electric Cooperative to distribute shade trees to residents for energy conservation.

What has been done?
Tri-Co Electric Cooperative and Pima County Extension provided trees and training, respectively, to interested residents. A requirement of the program was that trees be planted in locations around the house to ensure maximum shading. The residents received training from Extension on correct placement, planting and care of trees. Master Gardeners were trained to conduct training for program participants on the correct selection, placement, planting and care of shade trees. Since the program began, eight Master Gardener volunteers have conducted four annual programs attended by more than 200 participants. An additional four Master Gardeners have staffed a tree planting and care answer booth at the tree distribution day conducted by TriCo Electric Cooperative's headquarters in Marana, Arizona. Tri-Co employees conducted follow-up inspections to ensure that trees were planted in the pre-determined locations and that the trees remained in good health. (Follow-up information and assistance with tree care is provided by the Pima County Cooperative Extension).

As a result of Operation Cool Shade in 2004, 1,493 trees were distributed to 504 electric cooperative customers. Since 2000, a 7,944 trees have been distributed to 2,769 customers in Pima County, Arizona.

Studies have shown that proper shading can reduce home energy consumption by as much as 20 percent. Thus given the average peak household consumption (July, August and September) of 7,263 kilowatt hours and the current rate of $0.0953 per KWh, the average projected savings for individual households participating in Operation Cool Shade for the three-month period is 1,453 kWh, with a dollar savings of $138.47 during that time. In terms of all 504 participating households for 2004, the projected savings is 732,312 kWh or $69,788 for the peak three-month summer period.

TriCo Electric Cooperative

John Begeman, urban horticulture agent, Pima County Cooperative Extension
The University of Arizona, 4210 N. Campbell Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85719
Tel: (520) 626-5161, FAX: (520) 626-5849

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