Enhance Economic Opportunities for Agricultural Producers
Aquaculture Pathology Program for Shrimp
Large scale commercial farming of shrimp is a young and rapidly growing
industry that began only 30 years ago, and now nearly half of the world
supply comes from farms. Most of the product is imported by the U.S., Japan
and Western Europe. As the industry has grown, some very significant shrimp
diseases have emerged and have also become more widespread in the industry,
resulting in some severe epizootics in some shrimp growing countries, and
in global crop losses since 1992 averaging nearly one billion dollars annually.
What has been done?
The Aquaculture Pathology Program in the University of Arizona College
of Agriculture and Life Sciences focuses on diagnosing and researching
shrimp diseases. The main goal is to describe and study the biology of
diseases of farm-raised shrimp and to develop diagnostic methods and control
or prevention strategies for these diseases using traditional and modern
molecular techniques.
Once an accurate diagnostic method is developed, prevention and control
methods are researched as well. These include methods for developing specific
pathogen-free or specific pathogen-resistant shrimp stocks.
The program includes a laboratory and a primary quarantine facility
which acquires wild or farmed shrimp and assesses the disease status of
these stocks. The laboratory has been designated by the Office of International
Epizootics as one of only two reference laboratories in the world for crustacean
pathogens, and it was recently received USDA APHIS certification for shrimp
disease diagnostic services. The ideal geographic location of the UA, isolated
from coastal waters, reduces to near zero the risk of accidental introduction
of shrimp pathogens into the aquatic environment.
The UA provides expert assistance to governments and to the shrimp farming
industry with a variety of diagnostic techniques, including microbiological
and histological identification of the disease process, electron microscopic
examination of newly recognized shrimp pathogens, as well as other standard
diagnostic methods. The UA has also pioneered the use of molecular and
monoclonal antibody technologies for application in the study and diagnosis
of shrimp diseases and it has received USDA APHIS certification for shrimp
disease diagnostic services.
Diagnostic kits based on gene probes and monoclonal antibodies have
been developed by the Aquaculture Pathology Program and transferred to
the private sector for commercial development and marketing. These kits
can be used in diagnostic laboratories and in the field at shrimp farms
and hatcheries. The kits provide the shrimp farming industry much more
rapid and sensitive tools for detecting pathogens than were available with
traditional methods like histology and live animal bioassays. Currently,
75 percent of the approximately 40 shrimp disease diagnostic laboratories
present in the Western Hemisphere use kits that were initially developed
at the University of Arizona. While the financial impact of these advanced
diagnostic technologies to the shrimp farming industry of the Americas
cannot be readily measured, their widespread use by the industry highlights
their importance in disease management.
Special Research Grants
Other CSREES: USDA Marine Shrimp Culture Consortium
Other: Environmental Protection Agency; U.S. Department of Commerce
(grants and contracts);
NSF; Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N.
Donald Lightner, professor
Department of Veterinary Science and Microbiology
The University of Arizona
PO Box 210090
Tucson, AZ 85721-0090
Tel: (520) 621-8414 FAX: (520) 621-4899
Email: dvl@u.arizona.edu
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