Economic Development and Quality of Life for People and Communities
Tobacco Use Prevention Program
The Department of Health and Human Services reported in July 98
that Persons with lower income or education had a higher prevalence
of health risk factors such as cigarette smoking. In 1995, the
least educated men and women were more than twice as likely to smoke
as the most educated. A survey released in July 98 by Arizona
Department of Public Services reported that 15 percent of high school
age youth had smoked in the last month, compared with 36.4 percent nationally
in 1997. The Arizona survey found that the rate of tobacco use in the
past month was less than 1 percent for youth in the 10-11 age group
(fifth and sixth grades), and that it gradually increased to 21.2 percent
for youth in the 16-17 age group (junior and seniors in high school).
Data from the targeted middle schools show 21 tobacco violations last
year. Surveys conducted in the Tempe, Ahwatukee, and Guadalupe Tobacco
Prevention Program (TAG TUPP) communities showed that youth in this
area are most likely to begin experimenting with cigarettes from 11-13
years of age. More than 80 percent of the students said it was very
important to have activities that educate youth on the harmful effects
of tobacco.
What has been done?
The 4-H Tobacco Use Prevention Program encourages youth to become actively
involved in their communities as recognized tobacco use prevention education
resources. The targeted communities include Tempe, Ahwatukee and Guadalupe,
Arizona. Under the guidance of professional staff members from the University
of Arizona Cooperative Extension, seventh and eighth-graders are trained
as peer leaders to teach the Tobacco Risk Awareness Program (TRAP) to
younger youth. TRAP provides factual information about the health risks
of tobacco usage. The program includes information and curriculum on
smokeless tobacco and smoking tobacco dangers, videos and fun hands-on
activities. The premise is that youth will gain knowledge of the health
hazards of tobacco use and will not use tobacco as teens or adults.
On a post-test, 78 percent of the targeted youth recognized that tobacco
is a health hazard. Peer leaders provided 533 contact hours of tobacco
prevention education. One-hundred-sixty-five peer leaders from the middle
school were trained. Tobacco use prevention education was delivered
to 915 youth. Peer leaders delivered an average of 7 hours of instruction
to younger youth. Cooperative Extension collaborated with 21 different
community outreach programs for special events in the target area.
This program is conducted by the University of Arizona 4-H Youth Development
and is funded by Tempe, Ahwatukee, Guadalupe Tobacco Use Prevention
Program (Centro de Amistad, Inc.,), Maricopa County Tobacco Use Prevention
Program and Arizona Tobacco Education Prevention Program.
Marifloyd Hamil, 4-H agent
Maricopa County Cooperative Extension
The University of Arizona
4341 E. Broadway Road
Phoenix, AZ 85040-8807
Tel: (602) 470-8086 ext. 344, FAX: (602) 470-8092
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