The University of Arizona, College of Agriculture
Competitive Agricultural Systems in a Global Economy
Predicting Fertility of Bulls
Fertility in a livestock enterprise is 5 to 10 times more important economically than any other
production measure. Bulls with identical semen quality in terms of physical assessment vary in
actual fertility. Means to identify bulls on the basis of fertility potential could result in higher
pregnancy rates, leading to larger calf crops.
What has been done?
A color-based diagnostic test was developed to identify a protein on bull sperm. An antibody
is used to detect presence or absence of that protein which is referred to as fertility associated
antigen (FAA). Bulls with FAA on their sperm are 17% more fertile than herdmates lacking FAA
over a 60-day breeding season. Heifers inseminated once to bulls with sperm-associated FAA had
a 16% higher pregnancy rate than herdmates inseminated to bulls without FAA on their
A 1% increase in fertility in the U.S. beef industry would return a net profit of $55-60 million
to U.S. producers. Obviously, on a global scale, billions of dollars of income could result from
identifying higher fertility bulls and males of other livestock species.
The King Ranch in Texas has used high fertility bulls in their nucleus breeding herd for eight
years and retained daughters of those bulls as mothers in the nucleus herd. They were bred to high
fertility bulls each year. The payoff was clear in 1998, when 83% of the calves were born in the
first 30 days of the calving season. This resulted in significantly more beef weaned and marketed
per cow, which is a direct measure of profit. The method has been adopted by other breeders
around the world, including the Pacific Rim, South America, Canada and Europe.
Hatch Act, National Research Initiative
Local: Sire Power, Inc. and King Ranch
Roy L. Ax, professor and head, Department of Animal Sciences
The University of Arizona, P.O. Box 210038, Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
Telephone: (520) 621-7622, FAX: (520) 621-9435
This report is one of 29 impact statements
submitted by the University
of Arizona College of Agriculture to the USDA's 1999 CSREES Science and Education
database in Washington, D.C. An impact statement is a brief summary, in lay terms, of the
economic, environmental and/or social impact of a land-grant program. It states
accomplishments and their payoff to society.
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