
Project Location(s) Agency Institution Start Datesort descending End Date PI
Cultural Resource Support for Archeological Survey at White Sands National Park
 White Sands National Park
National Park Service
New Mexico State University 07/26/2021 12/31/2024
Kelly Jenks
Cooperative Research and Training Program-Resources of the National Park System
National Park Service
Cornerstones Community Partnerships 08/01/2021 06/01/2025
John Barrow
Repair and Preserve Alamo Ranch House and Levy’s Store to Educate Youth and Improve Visitor Experience


National Park Service
Cornerstones Community Partnerships 08/01/2021 06/01/2025
Geophysical Survey of Cultural and Natural Resources at White Sands National Park
National Park Service
08/06/2021 08/06/2021
Sturt Manning
Cultural Resource Support for Archeological Survey at WHSA
National Park Service
New Mexico State University 08/09/2021 08/09/2021
Kelly Jenks
Archaeological Studies at Lyndon B Johnson National Historical Park
National Park Service
University of Texas at San Antonio 08/11/2021 08/11/2021
Dr. Mauldin
NHPA 110 Invetory of ethnographic resources ad traditional use study
National Park Service
08/19/2021 08/19/2021
Michael Jordan
Discovering the Hidden Microscopic World of the Park
National Park Service
New Mexico State University 08/20/2021 08/20/2021
Nicole Pietrasiak
Backcountry preservation plan at CAGR
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 08/20/2021 08/20/2021
Brooks Jeffery
CESU DESO – Leadership, Coordination, and Administrative Oversight for the Desert Southwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 08/24/2021 08/24/2021
Willem Van Leeuwen
SAGU Baseline Inventory and Assessment of Newly Acquired Lands
Saguaro National Park
National Park Service
Archaeology Southwest 09/01/2021 12/31/2023
Jeff Clark
Provide Experiential Opportunities for Emerging Professionals in Historic Preservation
National Park Service
Cornerstones Community Partnerships 09/01/2021 12/31/2022
John Barrow
Adobe Preservation and Rehabilitation in Death Valley National Park

Cow Creek

National Park Service
Cornerstones Community Partnerships 09/01/2021 09/30/2025
Provide Experiential Opportunities for Emerging Professionals in Historic Preservation
National Park Service
Cornerstones Community Partnerships 09/02/2021 09/02/2021
Jake Barrow
Forest Restoration and Fire Impacts on Bird Communities in Northern New Mexico
National Park Service
Hawks Aloft, Inc. 09/02/2021 09/02/2021
Gail Garber