
Project Location(s) Agency Institutionsort ascending Start Date End Date PI
Conservation Law Enforcement Support
Arizona Game and Fish Department 08/24/2018 08/23/2019
Lagoon Bird Abatement

Yuma Proving Ground

Department of Defense
Arizona Game and Fish Department 08/20/2022 03/27/2024
Natural Resource Support

BMGR and Luke AFB

Department of Defense
Arizona Game and Fish Department 09/30/2019 09/29/2020
Natural Resources Habitat Species Support

Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range

Arizona Game and Fish Department 09/18/2019 09/17/2020
Natural Resources Support

Yuma Proving Ground

Department of Defense
Arizona Game and Fish Department 09/30/2022 03/29/2024
BLM AZ, CESU, BLM (YFO) Wyden Riparian
Arizona Game and Fish Department 04/01/2016 03/31/2021
(DS CESU) BLM AZ YFO Wyden Desert
Arizona Game and Fish Department 04/05/2016 04/04/2021
Extended Range Cannon Artillery Natural Resource Survey
Yuma Proving Groud, Yuma, Arizona
Arizona Game and Fish Department 09/16/2015 01/16/2016
Ingraldi, Michael
AZ Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys within the Bill Williams Watershed (DSCESU)
Arizona Game and Fish Department 09/19/2019 09/18/2022
Natural Resources Support Habitat Support


Department of Defense
Arizona Game and Fish Department 09/18/2019 09/17/2020
1000 Cross Border Cats: Building a Binational Community to Protect Feline Habitat
National Park Service
Sky Island Alliance 04/13/2021 04/13/2021
Emily Burns
Citizen Science in National Parks Across the US-Mexico Border
National Park Service
Sky Island Alliance 06/07/2021 06/07/2021
Louise Misztal
Border Wildlife Study: A Binational Assessment of Border Disturbance and Recovery

SE Arizona

National Park Service
Sky Island Alliance 05/01/2022 12/31/2023
Border Wildlife Study—A Binational Assessment of Border Disturbance and Recovery
National Park Service
Sky Island Alliance 05/01/2022 12/31/2023
Emily Burns
Supporting CONANP to Develop the Management Program for the Bavispe Wildlife Protection Area
National Park Service
Sky Island Alliance 04/24/2021 04/24/2021
Paulo Quadri