
Project Location(s) Agency Institutionsort descending Start Date End Date PI
Environmental Contaminants in Potential Prey of Peregrine Falcons in Trans-Boundary Protected Areas in the Big Bend Region
Big Bend National Park
National Park Service
11/01/2000 06/02/2002
Mora, Miguel
Administrative History of Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park


National Park Service
04/01/2017 09/30/2020
Georgeoff, Nicholas
Environmental Communication Partnership
US Fish and Wildlife Service
07/03/2017 07/02/2018
Harris, Grant
TAMU Massasagua
US Fish and Wildlife Service
07/01/2018 06/30/2020
Warriner, Michael
Effect Of Hydraulic Alteration On Rare Native Freshwater
US Fish and Wildlife Service
09/01/2018 08/31/2020
Orsak, Erik
Natural Heritage Section 10 Database
US Fish and Wildlife Service
10/01/2017 03/31/2018
Pruitt, Mary
Development of Three-Dimensional (3D) Media for White Sands National Monument
White Sands National Monument
National Park Service
02/01/2009 09/30/2009
MEVE and GRCA National Register of Historic Places Multiple Property Nominations


National Park Service
09/15/2016 12/31/2020
Sirna, Angela
Coop Agreement w/ UNM- Gila Trout
US Fish and Wildlife Service
07/01/2016 05/31/2018
Sinclair, Thomas
Kirkland AFB Mountain Lion Study
Department of Defense
09/24/2015 11/30/2017
Cain, Jimmy
US Fish and Wildlife Service
09/01/2017 09/30/2019
Grabau, Matthew
SDSU Foundation - Texella
US Fish and Wildlife Service
07/01/2018 01/01/2020
Warriner, Michael
Natural Rescources Support: Gambels Watercress, Vandenberg AFB
11/06/2019 11/06/2019
Special History Study: The Rockefeller Family's Contribution to Yellowstone


National Park Service
09/30/2016 12/31/2019
Guild, Bridgette
EDNA Tech to Narrow Headed Gartersnake
09/23/2016 03/22/2018
Christman, Michelle