
Project Location(s) Agency Institution Start Datesort descending End Date PI
Ethnographic Overview and Assessment of Native American Resources in the Missouri National Recreational River
Missouri National Recreational River (National Wild and Scenic River) NE, SD
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/01/2010 08/01/2012
Zedeno, Maria Nieves
Document, Assess, Stabilize and Repair Cultural Resources Impacted by Border Activities, Part 3 - Bates Well Ranch Corrals
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (Arizona)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/01/2010 06/30/2011
Kennedy, Allison
Barrow, Jake
Document, Assess, Stabilize and Repair Cultural Resources Impacted by Border Activities, Part 3- Bates Well... (UAZDS- 350)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/01/2010 06/30/2011
Kennedy, Allison W
Facilitation of a Phenology Network to Assess Climate Change Response in California Parks
Pacific West Region
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/01/2010 06/30/2013
Hutchinson, Charles
Crimmins, Theresa
A Supplement for the Native American Ornithology for North Dakota and South Dakota Parks and Monuments
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/01/2010 03/31/2013
Zedeno, Maria Nieves
Evaluating the Application of MODIS Data to Monitoring Response to Climate Change At Multiple Scales

Sonoran Desert Network

National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/09/2010 06/30/2011
Drake, Sam
Document, Assess, Stabilize and Repair Cultural Resources Impacted by Border Activities, Part 2 - Armenta Ranch and Gachado Line Camp
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (Arizona)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/10/2010 06/30/2011
Jeffery, R Brooks
Mills, Barbara J
National Natural Landmarks Evaluations Phase 2 (UAZDS-351)
Intermountain Region National Natural Landmarks Program
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/14/2010 06/30/2015
Koprowski, John
Modifications to the Farm Process (FMP2) to be Compatible with the Multiple-Refined-Areas Capability of Local Grid Refinement
US Geological Survey
The University of Arizona 09/20/2010 03/30/2013
Schmid, Wolfgang
Cultural Landscape Report for Faraway Ranch Historic District - Parts 1 & 2
Chiricahua National Monument (Arizona)
National Park Service
09/29/2010 05/01/2012
Johnson, Lauri
Multi-effect Distillation (MED) Solar Desalination Research Pilot Demonstration Project
Bureau of Reclamation
The University of Arizona 09/30/2010 09/30/2011
Barnhart, Ardeth M
Climate Change and Avian Migration Phenology in the Great Plains - Phase 2
Northern Great Plains Inventory and Monitoring Network
National Park Service
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies 09/30/2010 10/31/2014
Hanni, David and Jennifer Blakesley
Climate Change and Avian Migration Phenology in the Great Plains - Phase 1
Northern Great Plains Inventory and Monitoring Network
National Park Service
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies 09/30/2010 10/31/2013
Hanni, David and Jennifer Blakesley
Geochronological and Paleoenvironmental Analyses in Support of Quaternary Research in the Western United States

Mojave Desert (CA)

US Geological Survey
The University of Arizona 10/01/2010 09/30/2015
Cohen, Andrew
Cattle Grazing and Ecological History of Saguaro National Park
Saguaro National Park (Arizona)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 10/01/2010 04/01/2012
Gimblett, Randy