
Project Location(s)sort ascending Agency Institution Start Date End Date PI
Barracks ruins restoration/stabilization
National Park Service
Cornerstones Community Partnerships 12/15/2021 12/31/2023
Jake Barrow
Aquatic Conservation and Education Quitobaquito/Rio Sonoyta Endangered Species
National Park Service
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum 03/01/2022 12/31/2023
Develop Restoration Strategies Using Biological Soil Crusts in the Arid Southwest
National Park Service
Northern Arizona University 04/01/2022 09/30/2026
Matthew Bowker
Distribution, Abundance, and Densites of Sidewinders
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 04/15/2022 06/30/2023
Matthew Goode
Big Bend National Park River Corridor Archeological Survey
National Park Service
05/01/2022 12/31/2023
David Keller
"Supporting CONANP to Develop the Conservation and Management Program of the APFF Bavispe: Phase 2"
National Park Service
Sky Island Alliance 05/01/2022 12/31/2023
Emily Burns
Border Wildlife Study—A Binational Assessment of Border Disturbance and Recovery
National Park Service
Sky Island Alliance 05/01/2022 12/31/2023
Emily Burns
Biodiversity, connectivity, and impacts of anthropogenic barriers on vertebrate communities in protected areas of the southwest borderlands
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 04/15/2021 09/30/2022
Michael Bogden
Cooperative Research and Training Program-Resources of the National Park System
National Park Service
Cornerstones Community Partnerships 08/01/2021 06/01/2025
John Barrow
Picking up STEAM on the National Mall
National Park Service
CyArk 06/19/2020 06/19/2020
Ethnographic Overview and Assessment
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 07/01/2021 06/30/2023
Diane Austin
Provide Student Training in Ruins Stabilization at Fort Bowie National Historic Site
National Park Service
Cornerstones Community Partnerships 06/21/2021 07/05/2023
John Barrow
Citizen Science and Wildlife Monitoring Research
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 07/19/2021 06/30/2022
Kathleen Prudic
Provide Experiential Opportunities for Emerging Professionals in Historic Preservation
National Park Service
Cornerstones Community Partnerships 09/01/2021 12/31/2022
John Barrow
NM Investigations of Parajes (ancient campsites) on El Camino Real de Tiera Adentro
Bureau of Land Management
New Mexico State University 07/27/2019 07/26/2022