Project | Location(s) | Agency | Institution | Start Date | End Date | PI | |
Restoration of Managed Marsh Units to Benefit California Black Rails and Other March Birds: An Adaptive Management Approach |
California and Western Arizona
Bureau of Reclamation
The University of Arizona | 06/20/2008 | 12/31/2010 |
Conway, Courtney
Kurc, Shirley
Restoration ecology internships for Southwest National Parks |
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 09/15/2018 | 12/31/2021 |
Gornish, Elise S.
Restoration Ecology internship for Southwest National Parks |
Southwest National Parks |
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 09/15/2018 | 12/31/2021 |
Gornish, Elise
Restoration ecology internship for Southwest National Parks |
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 08/25/2020 | 08/25/2020 |
Elise Gornish
Response of Western Mountain Ecosystems to Climatic Variability and Change: The Western Mountain Initiative - Upper Santa Fe Watershed |
Bandelier National Monument (New Mexico)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 08/04/2006 | 12/31/2007 |
Swetnam, Thomas
Resolving long-standing genetic questions for rare plant species |
Bureau of Land Management
California Botanic Garden | 08/31/2020 | 09/30/2023 |
Porter, James
Research Coordinator FY 12 Operations Account (UAZDS-395) |
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 07/31/2012 | 07/31/2017 |
Marsh, Stuart E
Research Collections and Improve Documentation (UAZCP-301) |
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 08/15/2013 | 03/31/2018 |
Massman, Mackenzie A
Research and Monitoring of Vegetation, Soil, & Water Use Associated with Biological Control of Tamarisk on the Virgin, Dolores & Colorado Rivers |
Virgin, Dolores, & Colorado Rivers
US Geological Survey
The University of Arizona | 07/01/2012 | 09/30/2013 |
Glenn III, Edward P
Resaca de la Palma Plan (Brownsville, TX) |
Palo Alto Battlefield National Historic Park (Texas)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 09/15/2009 | 09/30/2011 |
Livingston, Margaret
Reptile and Amphibian Survey of the Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River |
Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River (Texas)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 09/30/2004 | 12/31/2006 |
Goode, Matt
Report on a Workshop to Revisit the Mohave Tui Chub Recovery Plan and a Management Action Plan |
Mojave National Preserve
National Park Service
The University of Arizona | 07/03/2003 | 05/04/2004 |
Debra Hughson
Woo, Danette
Report of Historical Trends in Native Fish Abundance in Aravaipa Canyon |
Bureau of Land Management
Northern Arizona University | 08/15/2003 | 10/15/2007 |
Reinthal, Peter N.
Repair flood damaged historic lime kiln |
National Park Service
Cornerstones Community Partnerships | 02/16/2015 | 04/30/2016 |
Jake Barrow
Repair Cow Creek Entrance sign & perimeter walls |
National Park Service
Cornerstones Community Partnerships | 01/15/2015 | 03/30/2017 |
Jake Barrow