
Project Location(s) Agency Institution Start Datesort descending End Date PI
BLM AZ, CESU, BLM (YFO) Wyden Riparian
Arizona Game and Fish Department 04/01/2016 03/31/2021
CESU - Lower Sonoran F.O. Remote Sensing Project
Northern Arizona University 04/04/2016 04/03/2021
(DS CESU) BLM AZ YFO Wyden Desert
Arizona Game and Fish Department 04/05/2016 04/04/2021
Implications of Border Impacts and Climate Change for Sonoran Pronghorn Recovery within and around Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 04/07/2016 07/01/2019
Christianson, David
BLM AZ, DSCESU Surveys for Threatended and Endangered Species and their Potential Breeding Habitat, Colorado River District
Arizona Game and Fish Department 04/20/2016 04/19/2021
Cooperative Recovery Initiative for the Faciliation of Recovery of the Chiricahua Leopard Frog and Northern Mexico Gartersnake
US Fish and Wildlife Service
The University of Arizona 06/01/2016 04/30/2019
Koprowski, John
Monitoring Soundscapes to Investigate Interactions Between Human Activities and Sonoran Pronghorn
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 06/01/2016 06/01/2019
Christianson, David
US Fish and Wildlife Service
The University of Arizona 06/01/2016 09/30/2019
Cheneversteffler, Ann
Native & Nonnative Fish Mogollon Rim EA
US Fish and Wildlife Service
The University of Arizona 06/01/2016 12/31/2017
US Fish and Wildlife Service
The University of Arizona 06/01/2016 12/31/2017
Newton, Jess
Coordinated CEAP- Grazing Lands Project Utilizing thr University of Arizona's Vegetation GIS/ Data System (VGS) to Aid in Data Collection, Management, and Retrieval for NRCS Products
The University of Arizona 06/07/2016 12/31/2017
Despain, Del
Archaeological Testing of the Bartlett Homestead Site (LA Number 164383; PECO 767), Pecos National Historical Park (NPS), Pigeon’s Ranch Sub-unit, San Miguel County, New Mexico
Bartlett Homestead Site (LA Number 164383; PECO 767), Pecos National Historical Park
National Park Service
Archaeology Southwest 06/15/2016 08/01/2017
William Doelle
Workshop to stabilize Larrieu Cabin
Mojave NP
National Park Service
Cornerstones Community Partnerships 06/27/2016 06/26/2021
Jake Barrow
iVamos Verde!
National Park Service
06/28/2016 12/31/2016
Alex Tremble
 Aerial Mapping Coordination and Outreach for the Southern Arizona Resilient Landscape Collaborative 
Tucson, AZ
National Park Service
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum 06/29/2016 05/30/2020