
Project Location(s)sort ascending Agency Institution Start Date End Date PI
Migratory Linkages of Burrowing Owls on Department of Defense Installations: Where do Owls Breeding on DoD Installations in the southwestern U.S. spend the Winter
14 DOD Installations in Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas
Department of Defense
The University of Arizona 06/01/2005 12/31/2010
Conway, Courtney
4-H Challenge: Youth Leadership
Pima County, AZ
The University of Arizona 07/01/2012 10/03/2013
Sparks, Elizabeth W
A Climate Change Vulnerability & Risk Assessment Framework for Cultural Resources in the IMR Vanishing Treasures Program- Phase 1: Compilation of Existing Data and Models (UAZDS-397)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 07/31/2012 07/01/2014
Jeffery, R Brooks
A Supplement for the Native American Ornithology for North Dakota and South Dakota Parks and Monuments
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/01/2010 03/31/2013
Zedeno, Maria Nieves
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)/Conflict Resolution Program
Bureau of Land Management
The University of Arizona 08/24/2005 09/30/2008
Timeche, Joan
Aravaipa Creek Native Fish Monitoring
Bureau of Land Management
The University of Arizona 10/01/2010 09/30/2015
Reinthal, Peter N
Archaeological Field School at Guevavi Mission (UAZDS-411)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 06/16/2014 02/28/2015
Pavao-Zuckerman, Barnet
Arches National Park Ethnographic Overview and Assessment (UAZDS-415)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 07/01/2014 06/30/2017
Stoffle, Richard
Architectural Condition Assessments & Emergency Repairs of 7 Historic Sites
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 07/01/2012 06/30/2014
Kennedy, Allison W
Jeffery, R Brooks
Avian Contaminants and Parasites Along the Dolores River in SW Colorado
US Geological Survey
The University of Arizona 08/01/2014 09/30/2017
Marsh, Stuart E
Avian Wildlife Monitoring on the Colorado River Limitrophe
US Geological Survey
The University of Arizona 06/15/2014 10/31/2015
Marsh, Stuart E
Baseline & Landscape Co-evolution Subagreement
US Geological Survey
The University of Arizona 10/01/2010 09/30/2015
Flessa, Karl W
BLM National Policy for Native Nations
Bureau of Land Management
The University of Arizona 08/01/2005 03/31/2006
Timeche, Joan
Jorgensen, Miriam
BLM Review of the Madrean Rapid Ecosystem Assessment (MREA)
Bureau of Land Management
The University of Arizona 09/01/2014 09/30/2015
Marsh, Stuart E
California Phenology Project- Technical Assistance (UAZDS-364)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 06/15/2011 09/30/2014
Marsh, Stuart E