
Project Location(s)sort ascending Agency Institution Start Date End Date PI
Mexican Gray Wolf
Holloman AFB
The University of Arizona 09/16/2019 09/15/2020
Burns, Zia G
Georeferenced Integrated Dust-Emission -Potential Mapping
University of Texas at El Paso
Thomas Gill and Richard Langford
Archaeological Study of One Burn Units in El Malpais National Monument
El Malpais NM
National Park Service
Archaeology Southwest 08/03/2015 09/30/2017
Baumann, Steve and Linda Pierce
Avian Protection Plan and Risk Assessment DPG
Dugway Proving Ground
New Mexico State University 08/15/2018 07/14/2019
Burns, Zia G
Electric Aircraft Noise Output and Performance
Daytona Beach
National Park Service
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 08/11/2017 04/15/2022
Brent Lignell
Cultural Resources Support
Davis Monthan AFB
Texas State University 09/26/2018 09/25/2019
Occupancy Estimation of Amphibians
Yellowstone / Teton
National Park Service
New Mexico State University 07/30/2016 03/31/2018
Kristin Legg
iVamos Verde!
National Park Service
06/28/2016 12/31/2016
Alex Tremble
Natural Resource Support (Gambel's Watercress)
Vandenberg AFB
California Botanic Garden 09/27/2018 09/26/2019
Hispanic Archaeological Heritage
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 08/30/2016 12/31/2017
David Gadsby
Eastern Mojave Landscape Conservation Design
Mojave Desert
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies 03/15/2015 03/14/2020
Matt Grabau
Midwest CR Support
Midwest Installation
Texas State University 09/30/2019 09/29/2020
Sahara Mustard
US Marine Corps
The University of Arizona 10/01/2017 09/30/2018
James Malusa
Burrowing Owl Research
Kirtland AFB
New Mexico State University 09/29/2015 09/30/2016
Martha Desmond
Intergrated Monitoring on Federal Lands
Buckley Air Force Base
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies 06/17/2019 04/30/2024
White, Chris