
Project Location(s) Agency Institution Start Date End Datesort ascending PI
Activity Plan and Restoration for Grasslands on Las Cienegas National Conservation Area
Las Cienegas National Conservation Area (Arizona)
Bureau of Land Management
The University of Arizona 10/14/2004 09/30/2010
Steidl, Robert
Mammal Inventory of Padre Island National Seashore
Padre Islands National Seashore
National Park Service
New Mexico State University 10/01/2004 01/31/2008
Frey, Jennifer
Reptile and Amphibian Survey of the Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River
Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River (Texas)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/30/2004 12/31/2006
Goode, Matt
Fire Management Planning in the Huachuca Mountains: Technical Assistance in Development of a Multi-Agency Fire Management Plan
Huachuca Mountains, Arizona
Department of Defense
The University of Arizona 09/22/2004 09/22/2008
Gebow, Brook
Administrative History of Chiricahua National Monument and Fort Bowie National Historic Site
Chiricahua National Monument and Fort Bowie National Historic Site (Arizona)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/04/2004 09/01/2009
Jeffery, R Brooks
Pinto, Robin
PBS Video on the Hummingbird Monitoring Network
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/04/2004 09/30/2006
Yetman, David
Population Differentiation of the Lesser Long-Nosed Bat (Leptontcteris curasoae yerbabuenae) in Arizona
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (Arizona)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/04/2004 01/07/2007
Culver, Melanie
Warriors Project Website
Assistant Regional Director Workshop Enhancement
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/04/2004 04/05/2005
Becker, Barbara
Evaluating Monitoring Indicators for Sound Decision Making: Technical Assistance to Sonoran Desert Network Inventory and Monitoring Program
Sonoran Desert Network
US Geological Survey
The University of Arizona 09/02/2004 06/30/2007
Powell, Brian
Forest Structure and Squirrel Populations in Relation to Fire History: Habitat Use of Endemic Tree Squirrels in Parque Nacional Sierra San Pedro Martir and Saguaro National Park
Saguaro National Park (Arizona) and Parque Nacional Sierra San Pedro Martir (Mexico)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 09/01/2004 09/30/2008
Koprowski, John
Regional Ecosystem Monitoring Framework for the Sonoran Desert: Data Management and Data Sharing
Sonoran Desert Network Parks
National Park Service
Sonoran Institute 08/16/2004 09/01/2006
Chambers, Nina
Cultural Affiliation Study: Phase I & II for Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio
Cuyahoga Valley National Park (Ohio)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 08/15/2004 08/01/2007
Zedeno, Maria Nieves
Ethnobotany Study: Phase I & II

Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (Indiana)

National Park Service
The University of Arizona 08/15/2004 09/30/2007
Toupal, Rebecca
Administrative History for Tumacacori National Historical Park
Tumacacori National Historical Park (Arizona)
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 08/09/2004 11/15/2005
Morrissey, Katherine
Evaluation of Contiguous Field Land Cover Monitoring for Sonoran Desert Network Parks
Sonoran Desert Network
National Park Service
The University of Arizona 08/05/2004 04/30/2006
Drake, Sam