Weed Selection with Herbicides in Alfalfa
Barry Tickes
Despite the development and registration of highly effective herbicides
in alfalfa, weeds are as much of a problem today as they have ever been.
Alfalfa is non-dormant in the low deserts and subject to winter annual,
summer annual and perennial weeds. No herbicide controls all of the potential
weed problems in this environment. Growers have continually selected for
the weeds that escape their control practices. Highly effective and selective
herbicides have been extremely valuable tools for alfalfa growers. However,
they have not eliminated all weeds and have maintained the continual selection
for those weeds that are difficult to control.
Table 1 illustrates how weeds have been selected
with the use of herbicides from the 1950s to present. This table contains
six common broadleaf weeds and six common grasses.
Various chemicals were used to control weeds in the 1950s. These were
mostly toxic salts, acids, and oils and were largely nonselective vegetation
killers used around crop fields rather than in them. They were occasionally
used for spot weed control in fields where particularly undesirable weeds
were present. The best weed control in alfalfa has always been a thick
healthy crop and cultural practices were heavily relied on to control
weeds during this period. Nonetheless, a variety of weeds could be found
in most fields. Those that predominated were those that were most competitive
and prolific. These included the mustards, mostly London rocket and wild
mustard and the summer annual grasses such as watergrass and barnyardgrass.
New selective herbicides were registered during this period and became
widely used. The use of these herbicides, especially EPTAM and 2,4-DB,
caused some major shifts in the weeds present in alfalfa fields. Chem
hoe, furloe and balan were used for preemergence weed control and DNBP
or Dinoseb was used as a postemergence contact herbicides for control
of broadleaf weeds, although the most commonly used products at that time
were eptam and 2,4-DB. Eptam was the first herbicide registered for water-run
applications and it was the most commonly used herbicide in alfalfa for
the 20-year span from the mid 1960s to mid 1980s. Eptam was inconsistent
on grasses because of its volatility, short residual activity and the
continuous emergence of summer annual grasses. Many summer grasses could
be found in alfalfa fields during this period. Eptam did, however, suppress
perennial weeds such as nutsedge and bermudagrass, which became more serious
problems once Eptam use declined.
2,4-DB was the other herbicide that was widely used in the 1960s. This
herbicide is effective on many broadleaf weeds with the exception of shepardspurse
and malva. Consequently, many weeds such as London Rocket, goosefoot and
lambsquarters declined in prevalence during this period while malva and
shepardspurse proliferated.
Although new herbicides were registered during this period, the weeds
that they controlled were not significantly different than those controlled
with compounds that were already being used. Treflan EC and tolban were
available for only a short time and controlled many of the same weeds
as balan and eptam. Sencor and gramoxone, which are still registered today,
have had limited acceptance because of the lack of crop safety. No major
weed shifts occurred during the period as a result of herbicide use practices.
This period saw the introduction of new grass herbicides that caused significant
changes in the type of weeds present in alfalfa fields. Trifluralin 10G
(treflan) was registered and quickly accepted by growers for the control
of annual grasses and some broadleaf weeds. Much of this replaced eptam
for preemergence weed control. As eptam drums disappeared from the ditch
banks, nutsedge and bermudagrass appeared in the fields. Trifluralin 10G
is highly effective on most annual grasses, which were removed from competition,
while perennial weeds (Bermudagrass and Nutsedge) which had been suppressed
by eptam proliferated. Poast was also registered during this period and
had an equal impact in changing the relative predominance of weeds in
the field. As a highly selective postemergence treatment for grasses,
poast, along with the preemergent use of trifluralin 10G, greatly reduced
the presence of many annual grasses like watergrass and barnyardgrass.
Both trifluralin 10G and poast were ineffective or weak on grasses that
survive through the winter and come back from established crowns rather
than seed. These included sprangletop and sandbur. Annual bluegrass is
also not controlled by poast. As a result, sprangletop, sandbur and bluegrass
became more prevalent during this period.
The registration of new herbicides began to slow down in this period although
two new registrations occurred that had significant impacts on the distribution
of weeds in alfalfa fields. Pursuit was registered by American Cyanamide
and was very effective on a large spectrum of broadleaf weeds including
malva and shepardspurse. It was weak, however, on the composites that
included sowthistle and prickly lettuce and lambsquarters. As a result,
malva and shepardspurse became scarcer while sowthistle, prickly lettuce
and lambsquarters began to appear in fields that did not seem to previously
contain them. Select/prism was also registered during this period. This
postemergence grass herbicide was similar to poast but more effective
on bluegrass and sprangletop, which became slightly less prevalent as
a result.
2000 to Present
Two things happened in the 2000-2002 period that had significant impacts
on the prevalence of weeds in alfalfa. One was the registration of raptor,
a new imadazolinone herbicide similar to pursuit. Unlike pursuit, however,
raptor is more effective on sowthistle, lambsquarters and grasses. This
is expected to reduce the prevalence of these weeds. The other major occurrence
was the development of herbicide resistance in littleseed canarygrass
to the grass herbicides, poast and select/prism. This resistance was documented
in the Imperial Valley, California, where canarygrass has started to again
become more widespread.
Table 1. Selection of Weeds with Herbicides in
Date Introduced
Oils, salts, arsenicals, cultural practices |
Eptam, 2, 4-DB, Dinoseb, Chem hoe, Balan |
Treflan EC, Tolban, Gramoxone, Sencor |
Kerb, Trifluralin 10G, Poast, Buctril |
Pursuit, Select/Prism, Zorial |
Raptor |
Shepardspurse |
Malva |
Sowthistle |
Lambsquarters |
London Rocket |
Nutsedge |
Grasses |
Bluegrass |
Sprangletop |
Watergrass/ Barnyard grass |
Bermudagrass |
Canarygrass |
Sandbur |
Infestation Key:
Full Disclaimers
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts
of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
James A. Christenson, Director Cooperative Extension, College of Agriculture
and Life Sciences, The University of Arizona.
The University of Arizona is an equal opportunity, affirmative
action institution. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual
orientation in its programs and activities.
Any products, services, or organizations that are
mentioned, shown, or indirectly implied in this web document do not imply
endorsement by The University of Arizona.
Information provided
Barry Bequette,
plantdoc@ag.arizona.edu Extension Agent, Urban Horticulture
Barry Tickes, btickes@ag.arizona.edu
Extension Agent, Yuma County
Mohammed Zerkoune, zerkoune@ag.arizona.edu
Extension Agent, Agriculture
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.
Material written September 2002.