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2001 Yuma County Agricultural Statistics

GEOGRAPHY: Yuma County, in southwest Arizona, encompasses approximately 5,561 square miles of desert interspersed with rugged mountains. An abundance of arable land in valley regions, coupled with a warm, dry climate and ample surface water, results in a thriving agricultural business. There are 237,742 acres of farm land in Yuma County, with 224,160 harvested. The Colorado River is the source of irrigation water for the Yuma Mesa and surrounding valleys. Yuma County diverts 1.2 million acre feet of Colorado River water per year, accounting for over one-third of the 2.8 million acre feet of Colorado River water allotted for Arizona. The county agricultural water use totals 920,000 acre feet per year. Crops grown east of the Wellton-Mohawk project and east of San Luis are irrigated from wells. Federal and State governments own 89% of the county's total land and 11% is privately owned.

CLIMATE: Average length of growing season (days above 32 F minimum) is 340 days at the Yuma Mesa Ag Center and 350 days at the Yuma Valley Ag Center. Some areas are almost frost-free. Sunshine averages 91.2% of possible time with the average annual high temperature of 87.9 F and the average annual low temperature of 60.5 F. Average yearly rainfall in Yuma County is 3.66 inches.

AGRICULTURE: Value of crops, fruits and vegetables produced on Yuma County farms and ranches was 709,004,013 in 2001.

Principal field crops produced are grain, hay and cotton. Vegetable crops continue to be increasingly important and generated almost $607 million, the highest returns for any commodity group. Lettuce was the principal vegetable crop with supplies available from mid November into April, and grossing almost 83% of the vegetable income. Citrus fruit grossed over $29.4 million in 2001, with lemons as the major crop. Seed crops are important with more than 6,100 acres grown, grossing over $14.6 million.

Sales of fat cattle is the county's leading livestock operation. Most of the money generated by the livestock industry is from cattle on feed. Sheep graze alfalfa fields from late fall through winter. Figures on gross income from livestock indicate over 97,000 cattle on feed and 23,000 sheep and lambs, ranking third in Arizona, valued at over 82.4 million.

The 1997 farm census indicates 465 farms averaging 511 acres per farm. The Yuma Agribusiness profile published on 2/90 by the Arizona Department of Commerce indicates that 211 agricultural related businesses exist in Yuma County. Ag employment peeks in December. In 1996, agriculture employed 45,984 workers..

Yuma County Agricultural Statistics 2001


Crop Acres Av. Per Acre Av. Price Value/Acre


FIELD            Cotton Lint SS 25,500 1129 lbs. 0.29 lb. $327.41 $ 8,348,955
Cotton Lint LS 1,300 1034 lbs. 0.95 lb. 982.30 1,276,990
Alfalfa Hay 31,500 8.3 tons 99 ton 821.70 25,883,550
Other Hay 17,000 3.8 tons 91.5 ton 347.70 5,910,900
Bermuda Seed 4,700 32 lbs. 1.20 lb. 384.00 1,804,800
Durum Wheat 36,400 5460 lbs. 126.7 ton 345.89 12,590,396
Other Wheat 1,600 6000 lbs. 95 ton 285.00 456,000
Barley 1,800 5500 lbs. 100 ton 275.00 495,000
Corn for Grain 3,700 11,650 lbs. 98.2 ton 572.02 2,116,456
Misc. Seed Veg. 4,000 NA NA 2,800.00 11,200,000
Total 127,500  


VEGETABLES            Lettuce, Head 51,800 390 Cwt 16.3 Cwt  6,357.00 329,292,600
Lettuce, Leaf 5,800 315 Cwt 41.3 Cwt  13,009.50 75,455,100
Romaine 12,300 310 Cwt  25.3 Cwt  7,843.00 96,468,900
Cauliflower 4,200 202 Cwt  29 Cwt  5,858.00 24,603,600
Broccoli 7,900 208 Cwt  28 Cwt  5,824.00 46,009,600
Cantaloups 3,600 270 Cwt  14.9 Cwt  4,023.00 14,482,800
Potatoes 2,000 315 Cwt  9.05 Cwt  2,850.75 5,701,500
Spinach 300 230 Cwt  31 Cwt  7,130.00 2,139,000
Watermelon 1,200 460 Cwt  10.1 Cwt  4,646.00 5,575,200
Honey Dews 300 215 Cwt  16.2 Cwt  3,483.00 1,044,900
Misc. Veg's.* 1,630     6,043,798
Total 91,030   606,816,998
TREE & VINE         Grapes 960 4.84 ton 576.00 ton 2,787.84 2,676,326
Lemons 12,800 504 Ctn 3.42 Ctn 1,723.68 22,063, 104
Grapefruit 600 367 Ctn 2.67 Ctn 979.89 587,934
Valencia 1,100 157 Ctn 2.52 Ctn 395.64 435,204
Navel & Sweet 300 440 Ctn 3.27 Ctn 1,438.80 431,640
Tangerines 3,200 270 Ctn 6.84 Ctn 1,846.80 5,909,760
TOTAL 18,960    $ 32,103,968
Total Crops 237,490    $ 709,004,013
LIVESTOCK Total includes Fat Cattle, Sheep & Lambs, and Misc. Livestock - Est. based on AZ totals of inventory & gross income 

$ 82,400,000

Total Crop Gross Income 2001 Yuma County $ 791,404,013

* Includes Bok Choy, Cabbage, Kale, and Napa

Prepared by Barry Tickes and Mohammed Zerkoune, Extension Agents, Agriculture and Barry Bequette, Extension Director using Arizona Crop & Livestock Reporting Service 2001 Arizona Agricultural Statistics and other sources

Full Disclaimers

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, James A. Christenson, Director Cooperative Extension, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Arizona.

The University of Arizona is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation in its programs and activities.

Any products, services, or organizations that are mentioned, shown, or indirectly implied in this web document do not imply endorsement by The University of Arizona.

Information provided by:
Barry Bequette, Extension Agent, Urban Horticulture
Barry Tickes, Extension Agent, Yuma County
Mohammed Zerkoune, Extension Agent, Agriculture
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.
Material written November 2002.

Yuma County: Field Crops | Farm Notes | Alfalfa Reports | Vegetables

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