Steven E. Naranjo:
USDA-ARS, Western Cotton Research Laboratory
4135 E. Broadway Rd.
Phoenix, Arizona, USA 85040
602-379-3524 x241
602-379-4509 (FAX)

Current Research Activities:
  • Field life table analysis of sweetpotato whitefly in managed and unmanaged cotton systems
  • Field and laboratory evaluation of the impact of conventional and biorational insecticides on abundance and activity of sweetpotato whitefly predators and parasitoids
  • Interactions among sweetpotato whitefly predators and parasitoids
  • Characterization of the predator complex attacking pink bollworm and sweetpotato whitefly using serological methods for gut content analysis
  • Sampling and description of the seasonal population dynamics of key predators of sweetpotato whitefly and pink bollworm
  • Computer modeling of pest population dynamics and biological control of sweetpotato whitefly and pink bollworm

For additional information on the projects above please contact me or leave a message.

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