Sierra Vista Area Plant List

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The Sierra Vista Area Plant List, with common name, botanical name, and other plant information
Botanical Namesort descending Common Name Size Water Use Sun Exposure Native Plant? Evergreen? Remarks
Quercus gambellii Gambell Oak 15-30'H 15'W Little to moderate Full sun Yes No

Deciduous Tree or Shrub - Foliage turns yellow, red or orange in fall

Quercus hypoleucoides Silverleaf Oak 40' H 35' W Little to moderate Full sun Yes Yes

Semi- Tree - Leaves silvery white and woolly underneath - Sheds leaves in spring

Quercus ilex Holly Oak 30-60' H & W Little to moderate Full sun No Yes

Tree - Growth can be fairly fast, but varies with soil and water conditions

Quercus muehlenbergii Chinquapin Oak 40-50'H 50-60'W Little to moderate Full sun No No

Deciduous Tree - Leaves turn orange and bronze in fall - Acorns edible

Quercus oblongifolia Mexican Blue Oak 30' H & W Little Full sun Yes Yes

Semi- Tree - Gray bark fissured in square plates - Sheds leaves in spring

Quercus suber Cork Oak 30-60' H&W Little to moderate Full sun No Yes

Tree - Handsome thick corky bark

Quercus turbinella Desert Scrub Oak 10' H & W Little Full sun Yes Yes

Shrub - Water during dry spells - Can be trained as a small Tree

Rhamnus ilicifolia Holly Redberry 15' H & W None Full sun, Partial shade No Yes

Shrub - No irrigation needed when established - Bulky Shrub or Shrubby Tree

Rhus spp. Sumac See remarks Little to moderate Full sun Yes Yes

Some Native - Evergreen or deciduous Tree or Shrub - Flame resistant - Check with nursery for size and hardiness

Rhus virens Evergreen Sumac 12' H & W Little to moderate Full sun, Partial shade Yes Yes

Shrub - Use as informal hedge or as background for other plants - Good choice for understory beneath tall Trees

Robinia neomexicana New Mexican Locust, Desert Locust 6 - 30' H & W Little Full sun Yes No

Deciduous Tree or Shrub - Flame resistant - Thorns - Wood brittle - Fast growing - Aggressive roots - Suckers

Rosa banksiae Tombstone Rose See remarks Moderate Full sun No Yes

Shrub - Can grow to humongous size, but can be controlled - Local experience says moderate water OK

Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary See remarks Little to moderate Full sun No Yes

Shrub or Groundcover - Many varieties - Check nursery for size and characteristics - Edible herb

Salazaria mexicana Paperbag Bush 3' H & W Little Full sun No No

Deciduous Shrub - Common name refers to fruit that develops into an inflated pouch

Salvia chinophylla Creeping Sage 4" H - 4' W Little to moderate Full sun No Yes

Groundcover - Flame resistant - Interesting, attractive plant all year - Small blue flowers
