Sierra Vista Area Plant List

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The Sierra Vista Area Plant List, with common name, botanical name, and other plant information
Botanical Namesort descending Common Name Size Water Use Sun Exposure Native Plant? Evergreen? Remarks
Dasylirion texanum Texas Sotol 5' H & W None Full sun No Yes

Shrub - 15' H flower stalk

Dasylirion wheeleri Desert Spoon 3-5' H 4-5' W None to little Full sun, Partial shade Yes Yes

Shrub - Spherical clump - In fall, 9 -15' flower spikes - Prized in dry arrangements

Dodonaea viscosa Green Hopbush 10' H & 6' W Little to moderate Full sun, Partial shade Yes Yes

Native Shrub - Flammable - Can be trained as a small Tree - In Hawaii, the seed capsules are used in leis

Elaeagnus angustifolia Russian Olive 20' H & W Little to moderate Full sun, Partial shade No No

Deciduous Tree- Can be clipped to make a hedge - Takes almost any kind of punishment

Ephedra spp. Mormon Tea See remarks None to little Full sun Yes Yes

Shrub - Erect and densely branched - Check with nursery for sizes

Ericameria laricifolia Turpentine Bush 2 - 3' H Little Full sun Yes Yes

Shrub - Flammable - If the plant becomes lanky, prune it back and it will regrow with dense foliage

Eriogonum spp. Buckwheat See remarks Little to moderate Full sun Yes Yes

Some Shrub - Flammable - Check with nursery for size and hardiness

Erythrina flabelliformis Coral Bean 3-4' H - 2' W Little Full sun Yes No

Deciduous Shrub - Toxic, the flat beanlike pods after bloom contain poisonous seeds - Flame resistant - Short spines - Will freeze to ground in winter, but will recover

Eucalyptus spp. Eucalyptus See remarks None to little Full sun No Yes

Tree or Shrub - Flammable - Check with nursery for hardiness and size - Prolonged freezes can kill even large Trees - Susceptible to eucalyptus redgum lerp psyllid

Eysenhardtia orthocarpa Kidneywood 20' H 12' W None to little Full sun Yes No

Deciduous Tree or Shrub - Excellent Tree for small spaces - White vanilla scented flowers spring to summer

Fallugia paradoxa Apache Plume 4-6' H 5' W None Full sun Yes Yes

Shrub - Pruning usually not needed - Seed heads are feathery pink, like an Apache headdrress

Fendlera rupicola False Mockorange 4'H & 4'W Moderate Full sun Yes No

Deciduous Shrub - Fragrant white flowers bloom in spring

Forestiera neomexicana Desert Olive 12-18'H 12'W Little to moderate Full sun No No

Deciduous Tree or Shrub - Flame resistant - Fairly fast grower - Can be trained to be a small multi-trunked Tree

Fouquieria splendens Ocotillo 8-15'H 5-10'W None to little Full sun Yes No

Deciduous Shrub - Attractive long red flower clusters resemble candles - Does not regularly have leaves

Frangula californica Coffeeberry, Buckthorn 3-15' H - 8' W Moderate Full sun, Partial shade Yes Yes

Shrub - No irrigation needed when established - Check with nursery for size & color
