Sierra Vista Area Plant List

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The Sierra Vista Area Plant List, with common name, botanical name, and other plant information
Botanical Namesort descending Common Name Size Water Use Sun Exposure Native Plant? Evergreen? Remarks
Cissus trifoliata Arizona Grape Ivy 30'H 2'W Little to moderate Full sun Yes Yes

Vine in warmest locations - Toxic, contact with plant may cause a skin rash on sensitive people - Useful for covering chain link fences or trellises

Condalia lycioides, mexicana, spathulata Crucillo 8-' H - 10' W Little Full sun Yes Yes

Shrub - Impenetrable security barrier - Slow growing

Convolvulus cneorum Bush Morning Glory 2-4' H & W Moderate Full sun, Partial shade No Yes

Shrub or Groundcover - Marginal - Best in sun

Cordia parvifolia Little-leaf Cordia 4-8' H 4-10' W Little to moderate Full sun No Yes

Shrub - Flame resistant - Can be an informal hedge

Cotoneaster spp. Cotoneaster See remarks Little to moderate Full sun No Yes

Semi-deciduous or deciduous shrub or groundcover - Toxic, berries are slightly poisonous, especially for young children - Flame resistant - Many cotoneasters OK in our area - Check nurseries for hardiness and size

Cupressus arizonica Arizona Cypress 40'H 20'W Little to moderate Full sun Yes Yes

Tree - Flammable - Can be used as a windbreak

Cupressus forbesii Tecate Cypress 10-25'H 20'W Little to moderate Full sun No Yes

Tree - Flammable - Fast grower - Keep on dry side so it won't grow so fast that it will topple

Cupressus sempervirens Italian Cypress 60H 10'W Little to moderate Full sun No Yes

Tree - Flammable - Several varieties available

Dalea bicolor Indigo Bush, Silver Dalea 3-4' H & W Little to moderate Full sun No Yes

Semi- or deciduous Shrub - Flame resistant - Rapid regrowth from hard winter pruning brings a quick crop of fresh foliage - Overwatering or drought can cause partial leaf drop

Dalea capitata Golden Dalea 8"H 3'W Little to moderate Full sun No Yes

Shrub or Groundcover - Flame resistant - Cut back in winter to generate new spring growth - Overwatering or drought can cause partial leaf drop

Dalea frutescens Black Dalea 3' H 4' W Little to moderate Full sun No Yes

Shrub - Flame resistant - Prune by one half in January - Overwatering or drought can cause partial leaf drop

Dalea greggii Trailing Indigo Bush 1.5'H 5'W Little to moderate Full sun Yes Yes

Groundcover - Flame resistant - Mounding habit - Overwatering or drought can cause partial leaf drop - Excellent soil erosion control plant

Dalea pulchra Smoke Bush, Indigo Bush 8'H 5'W Little to moderate Full sun Yes Yes

Shrub - Spectacular spring bloom of purple flower clusters - Allow ample room to grow

Dasylirion acrotriche Green Desert Spoon 3-4' H - 4-5' W None to little Full sun, Partial shade No Yes

Shrub - Spherical clump - 10' or higher flower stalk

Dasylirion quadrangulatum Mexican Grass Tree 10-16'H & 9' W None to little Full sun, Partial shade No Yes

Shrub - Marginal - Green leaves in fountainlike clump
