CCMG Newsletters

The Master Gardener newsletter began as a project for several members of the fall 1989 Master Gardener Class with Vol. 1, No.1 dated December 1989. It has been published every month since that time. Over the years, many Master Gardeners and guest writers have written timely articles for the newsletter. There are over 1500 subscribers to the free newsletter each month - many in other states and even a few in foreign countries.

If you would like to receive notification when the monthly newsletter is posted please subscribe to the newsletter notification list. This is a two-step process: after the form is completed you will receive an email with further details on subscribing. If you would prefer to receive a hardcopy of the newsletter mailed to you please send an email to:

Just Planted! July 2018
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Find articles by the year and month of the newsletter
Article Title Article Series Newsletter Issuesort ascending
What's Bugging You - Sowbugs and Pillbugs in the House and Garden May 1992
Plant of the Month - manzanita April 1992
Motors and Engines: Maintenance April 1992
What's Bugging You - Cutworms April 1992
Plant of the Month - Nandina domestica March 1992
Buddy Bug: Daddy-Long-Legs March 1992
Pruning Tips March 1992
If a Snark be a Boojum Beware: Boojum, Idria columnaris March 1992
What's Bugging You - Preparation for Spring March 1992
What Did Apache Indians Eat? February 1992
Buddy Bug: Tarantula February 1992
What's Bugging You - Tarantulas February 1992
Plant of the Month: Salvia spp. January 1992
Growing a Better Garden with Less Water January 1992
Buddy Bug: Lacewing January 1992
