Total Precipitation by Year

Total Precipitation by Year (Seasonal or Annual/Water Year)
(Color indicates number of missing days, horizontal line is long-term mean)

Avg Temperature by Year

Average Temperature by Year (Seasonal or Annual/Water Year)
(Color indicates number of missing days, horizontal line is long-term mean)

Daily Cumulative Precip

CAUTION: Cumulative totals in some years may include missing days and be artificially low

Daily Min/Max Temps

Station Map

Period of Record Averages
Total Precip (in) Total Precip Days Avg Temp (F) Freeze Days Total Snow (in) Max Dry Spell (days) Avg Dry Spell (days) Heavy Rain Days
8.5 30 77.4 0 0 20.4 6.9 10.6

Summary Stats


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Climate Science Applications Program - University of Arizona Cooperative Extension

Last Updated: “03-15-2025”© 2020 The Arizona Board of Regents. All contents copyrighted. All rights reserved.