1. What are the characteristics shared by the Oomycota and the Hyphochytridiomycota that cause taxonomists to classify them in the kingdom Stramenopila instead of the kingdom Fungi?
2. In general, the Oomycota have a diploid somatic state. Using the events of a generalized Oomycete life cycle, explain why this is so.
3. What are the 2 types of flagella of Oomycete zoospores and how do they "work?"
4. The Hyphochytridiomycota were classified for some time with the Chytridiomycota. What are the similarities between these two phyla which caused people to classify them together? What are the differences that led people to classify them separately?
5. The zoospore pattern of Saprolegnia is said to be dimorphic and diplanetic. What does this mean and what role does it play in the life of the fungus?
6. In general, what are differences in sporangiophore, sporangium and zoospore development and/or release between Pythium and Phytophthora?
7. If you were looking at the cross section of a leaf infected with a "downy mildew" fungus under the microscope, what structures would you expect to see?
8. Albugo causes "white rust" on cruciferous plants. It produces pustules on its host (where it breaks through the epidermis of the plant to sporulate) and is an obligate parasite - both characteristics of the infamous "stem rust" of wheat which is caused by a Basidiomycete. Into which phylum of fungi is Albugo placed? Why?
9. Achlya bisexualis is heterothallic and dioecious. Explain what this means. Describe the role of hormones in its reproductive cycle.
10. Why is meiosis in the Oomycota said to be gametangial? What effect does this have on the lifecycle of these organisms?
11. Why are the Chytridiales considered the more primitive of the Chytridiomycota orders?
12. Many members of the genus Olpidium are holocarpic, endobiotic and inoperculate. What do these terms mean?
13. Allomyces macrogynus is a Chytridiomycete that is diplobiontic. How could you distinguish the sporophyte from the gametophyte under the microscope?
14. Coelomomyces has the following characteristics. Define each term as it applies to the life cycle of Coelomomyces:
15. Monoblepharis polymorpha is placed in the phylum Chytridiomycota even though in some ways it acts like an Oomycete. Give a characteristic it shares with each group.
16. How do the zoospores of the Chytridiomycota, Hyphochytridiomycota, and Oomycota differ from each other?
17. Differentiate a rhizomycelium from a true mycelium. Which order(s) of Chytridiomycota has rhizomycelium? true mycelium?
In the species Chytriomyces hyalinus, what role does the rhizomycelium play in the life cycle and how does this differ from most species in the same order?
18. Indicate the ploidy of the following:
19. Define: