1.     What do we mean when we use the terms ÔFungiÕ and ÔfungiÕ to describe different groups of organisms?   In which group do we consider the pathogen that caused the Irish famine in the 1840Õs, to belong to? Give three reasons that support your conclusion.

2.     Fungi were grouped together with plants in earlier classification schemes. Do you agree with this classification? Why or why not?

3.     Briefly describe what is meant by ÔclassificationÕ.

4.     What is meant by a Ôphylogenetic classificationÕ?

5.     In classification of organisms, what does a ÔcharacterÕ mean? Give two examples of characters that were/are being used when classifying fungi.


6. a. What is meant by molecular phylogenetics? NEW QUESTION!!

b. What is the ribosomal DNA cluster? What do we mean when we talk about the Fungal rDNA ITS region and why is it so important for molecular classification of Fungi?

c. What is PCR? How is it used to amplify the Fungal ITS region? Why is it possible to use two PCR primers to amplify this region from any fungus?

7.     Does the node circled in red (below) and the darkened lines show a monophyletic group or a polyphyletic group?


8.     Ômagnaporthe oryzaeÕ is one of the most destructive pathogens of rice and grasses worldwide . Underline which of the following is / are correctly written, according to the rules of binomial nomenclature:

magnaporthe oryzae

Magnaporthe Oryzae

Magnaporthe oryzae

Magnaporthe oryzae

Magnaporthe oryzae

Magnaporthe Oryzae


9.     Dolipore septum is a characteristic structure of the phylum ____________.

10.     Members of phylum ____________ makes sexual spores that are usually borne in groups of eight inside a sac-like structure called an _____________.

11.  Chitin is a polymer of ________________________.

12.  The main sterol found in the plasma membrane of fungi is _________________.