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Host Range in Dipteran Parasitoids
Session Leader: John Stireman III
Price (1980) estimated that approximately one half of all animals on earth are parasitic
insects. His rather broad usage of the term parasite includes all insects in which individuals obtain
the majority of their food from a single host (e.g. most phytophagous insects). However a large
fraction (around 50%; Godfray 1994) of these parasites are true parasitoids that kill their host.
There are several characteristics of parasites and parasitoids that may have contributed to their
great taxonomic diversity including small size, the patchy distribution of host resources, and
perhaps most importantly, the intimate interactions they experience with hosts (Price 1980;
Futuyma and Moreno 1988; Thompson 1994). The close relationships that parasitoids enter with
their hosts (especially endoparasitoids) are likely to favor specialization, which may lead to
coevolution, high rates of speciation, and adaptive radiations (Price 1980).
There are over 18,000 species of described dipteran parasitoids, derived from probably
more than one hundred different lineages in which the habit evolved (Eggleton and Belshaw
1992). The major groups of dipteran parasitoids are listed in the table below. Though this not the
most speciose order in terms of parasitoids, no other insect order is comparable in the number of
independent derivations of the parasitoid habit, and thus the independent groups with which to
analyze the causes and consequences of the parasitoid lifestyle. As a whole, dipteran parasitoids
attack an extremely wide range of hosts from ants to anurans (Eggleton and Belshaw 1992; Feener
and Brown 1997). This may be due in part to the taxonomic diversity of parasitoid lineages and
their ties to substrate-zone habitats. Moreover, this pattern is mimicked within several of the
lineages that have developed the parasitoid habit such as the Bombyliidae, Sarcophagidae,
Phoridae, and Tachinidae (see table below). These groups have not only diversified to exploit a
wide range of hosts, but often contain individual species which themselves exhibit extreme
polyphagy (e.g. the tachinid Compsilura concinnata reared from over 100 species in three orders;
O'Hara 1985). In general, even relatively specialized groups such as the Pipunculidae, which are
endoparasitoids of leafhoppers and planthoppers, and the Acroceridae, which only attack spiders,
contain taxa that attack a wide range of hosts often spanning several subfamilies or families
(Schlinger 1981, 1987; Skevington and Marshall 1997).
This general lack of host specificity in dipteran parasitoids presents some interesting
questions. First, given that the vast majority are endoparasitic and must cope with the internal
environment of the host including immune defense responses, how are they able to attack such a
wide range of hosts? Also, since they do not appear to exhibit some of the characteristics of
parasites (i.e. extreme specialization) that would predispose them towards adaptive radiations and
diversification, why have they been so taxonomically successful? Finally, what evolutionary and ecological factors or host attributes determine
host range in dipteran parasitoids?
These questions cannot be adequately addressed here, but I will present a few possibly
relevant points. First, many dipteran parasitoid groups (Tachinidae, Acroceridae, Nemestrinidae,
Bombyliidae, and some Sarcophagidae; Clausen 1940) have evolved various means of maintaining
contact with atmospheric oxygen despite their endoparasitic habit, and thus cannot be "suffocated"
by host hematocytes. Also, it may be significant that the ancestral habit of most dipteran parasitoid
groups is thought to be saprophagy (Eggleton and Belshaw 1993). Second, a comparison of
dipteran parasitoids with their sister groups by Weigmann et al. (1993) did not reveal an overall
relationship between parasitism and taxonomic diversity (though this study lacked much important
phylogenetic and ecological information). However, the groups which exhibited the greatest
taxonomic diversity (Bombyliidae, Tachinidae) are also among the most polyphagous of dipteran
parasitoids. In contrast several of the more host-specific groups such as Pyrgotidae and Conopidae
are relatively depauperate in species. Finally, one general factor that has been mentioned as being
an important determinant of host range in several dipteran parasitoid groups is the macro and
micro-habitat of potential hosts and the associated manner of host location by adult females
(Lawton 1986; Schlinger 1987; Yeates and Greathead 1997; Stireman unpub. data). As Feener
and Brown (1997) state in their review of dipteran parasitoids, "Several lines of evidence suggest
that host specificity is more often determined by the events leading up to oviposition, rather than
events occurring after oviposition"
Major groups dipteran parasitoids
Family | Described parasitoid species | Primary hosts
Sciomyzidae | 100? | Gastropods: (snails/slugs) |
Nemestrinidae | 300 | Orth.: Acrididae
Bombyliidae | 5000 | primarily Hym., Col., Dip.
Pipunculidae | 1000 | Hom.:Auchenorrycha |
Conopidae | 800 | Hym:Aculeata |
Sarcophagidae | 750? | Lep., Orth., Hom., Col., Gastropoda + others |
Tachinidae | 8200+ | Lep., Hym., Col., Hem., Dip., + many others |
Pyrgotidae | 350 | Col:Scarabaeidae |
Acroceridae | 500 | Arach.:Aranea |
Phoridae | 300?? | Hym., Dip., Col., Lep., Isop.,Diplopoda + others |
Rhinophoridae | 90 | Isopoda |
Calliphoridae | 240? | earthworms, gastropods |
More about flies (some nice pics including a few parasitoid species)
Required Papers
- Feener, D.H. jr. and Brown, B.V. 1997. Diptera as parasitoids. Annual Review of
Entomology 42:73-98.
- Yeates, D.K. and Greathead, D. 1997. The evolutionary pattern of host use in the
Bombyliidae (Diptera): A diverse family of parasitoid flies. Biological Journal of the Linnean
Society 60:149-185.
Selected Reference List
- Arnaud, P.H. jr. 1978. A Host Parasite Catalog of North American Tachinidae (Diptera).
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Miscellaneous Publication No. 1319. pp. 1-860
- Askew, R.R. 1971. Parasitic Insects. Heinemann, London.
- Askew, R.R. and Shaw, M.R. 1986. Parasitoid communities: Their size, structure, and
development. In Waage, J.K. and Greathead, D. (eds.), Insect Parasitoids. Academic Press,
London. pp.225-264.
- Belshaw, R. 1993. Tachinid flies (Diptera: Tachinidae). Royal Entomological Society of
- Belshaw, R. 1994. Life history characeristics of Tachinidae (Diptera) and their effect on
polyphagy. In Hawkins, B.A. and Sheehan,W. (eds.): Parasitoid Community Ecology. Oxford
University Press. New York.
- Berg, C.O. and Knutson, L. 1978. Biology and Systematics of the Sciomyzidae. Annual
Review of Entomology 23:239-258.
- Cady, A., Leech, R., Sorkin, L., Stratton,G., Cladwell, M. 1993. Acrocerid (Insecta:
Diptera) life histories, behviors, host spiders (Arachnidae: Araneida), and distribution records.
Canadian Entomologist 125:931-944.
- Clausen, C.P. 1940. Entomophagous Insects. Hafner. New York.
- Disney, R.H.L. 1994. Scuttle Flies: The Phoridae. Chapman & Hall. London. 467 pp.
- Eggleton, P. and Belshaw, R. 1992. Insect parasitoids: an evolutionary overview.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 337:1-20.
- Eggleton, P. And Belshaw, R. 1993. Comparison of dipteran, hymenopteran, and
coleopteran parasitoids: provisional phylogenetic explanations. Biological Journal of the Linnean
Society 48:213-226.
- Eggleton, P. and Gaston, K.J. 1992. Tachinid host ranges: a reappraisal
(Diptera:Tachinidae). Entomologists gazette 43:139-143.
- Ferar, P. 1987. A guide to the breeding habits and immature stages of Diptera Cyclorrhapha,
part 1. Lyneborg, L. (series ed.) Entomonograph Vol. 8. E.J. Brill/Scandinavian Science Press
Ltd. Leiden. 478 pp.
- Futuyma, D.J. and Moreno, G. 1988. The evolution of ecological specialization. Annual
Review of Ecology and Systematics 19:207-233.
- Gauld, I.D., Gaston, K.J. and Janzen, D.H. 1992. Plant allelochemicals, tritrophic
interactions, and the anomalous diversity of tropical parasitoids: the nasty' host hypothesis. Oikos
- Godfray, H.C.J. 1994. Parasitoids: Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology. Princeton
University Press. Princeton, New Jersey. 473 pp.
- Gross, P. 1993. Insect behavioral and morphological defenses against parasitoids. Annual
Review of Entomology 38:252-273.
- Hawkins, B.A., Shaw, M.R. and Askew, R.R. 1992. Relationships among assemblage size,
host specialization, and climatic variability in North American parasitoid communities. American
naturalist 139:58-79.
- Hawkins, B.A. 1994. Patterns and Process in Host-Parasitoid Interactions. Cambridge
University Press. Cambridge Mass. 190 pp.
- Herting, B. 1960. Biologie der westpalaarktischen Raupenfliegen (Diptera: Tachinidae)
Monographien zur Angewandten Entomologie 16:1-188.
- Lawton, J.H. The effects of parasitoids on phytophagous insect communities. In Waage, J.
and Greathead, D. (eds.). Insect Parasitoids. Academic Press. London. pp. 265-287.
- Maeta, Y. And Macfarlane, R.P. 1993. Japanese Conopidae (Diptera): Their biology, overall
distribution, and role as parasities of bumblebees. Japanese Journal of Entomology 61:493-509.
- McAlpine, J.F. 1981. Manual of Nearctic Diptera Volume 1. Research Branch, Agriculture
Canada. Monograph No. 27. pp 1-674.
- McAlpine, J.F. 1987. Manual of Nearctic Diptera Volume 2. Research Branch, Agriculture
Canada. Monograph No. 28. pp. 675-1332.
- Mellini, E. 1990. Sinossi di biologia dei Ditteri Larvavoridi. Bollettini dell'Istituto di
Entomologia Guido Grande dell'Universita di Bologna 45:1-38.
- O'Hara, J.E. 1985. Oviposition strategies of the Tachinidae, a family of beneficial parasitic
flies. Agriculture and Forestry Bulletin, University of Alberta 8(2):31-34.
- Pape, T. 1987. The Sarcophagidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna
Entomologica Scandinavica Vol. 19. E.J. Brill/Scandinavian Science Press Ltd. Leiden. 224 pp.
- Pape, T. 1994. The World Blaesoxipha Loew, 1861 (Diptera, Sarcophagidae).
Entomologica Scandinavica supp. no. 45. 247 pp.
- Price, P.W. 1980. Evolutionary Biology of Parasites. Princeton University Press, Princeton,
- Rognes, K. 1992. Blowflies (Diptera, Calliphoridae) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna
Entomologica Scandinavica Vol. 24. E.J. Brill/Scandinavian Science Press Ltd. Leiden. 272 pp.
- Shaw, M.R. 1994. Parasitoid host ranges. In Hawkins, B.A. and Sheehan,W. (eds.):
Parasitoid Community Ecology. Oxford University Press. New York. pp. 111-144.
- Schlinger, E.I. 1981. Acroceridae. In J.F. McAlpine (ed.): Manual of Nearctic Diptera
Volume 1. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. Monograph No. 27. pp. 575-584.
- Schlinger, E.I. 1987. The biology of the Acroceridae (Diptera): True endoparasitoids of
spiders. pp. 319-327 in Nentwig, W. (ed.). Ecophysiology of Spiders. Springer-Verlag. 448 pp.
- Shewell, G.E. 1987. Calliphoridae. In J.F. McAlpine (ed.): Manual of Nearctic Diptera
Volume 2. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. Monograph No. 28. pp. 1133-1145.
- Shewell, G.E. 1987. Sarcophagidae. In J.F. McAlpine (ed.): Manual of Nearctic Diptera
Volume 2. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. Monograph No. 28. pp. 1159-1186.
- Skevington, J. and S.A. Marshall 1997. First record of a big-headed fly, Eudorylas
alternatus (Cresson) (Diptera: Pipunculidae), reared from the subfamily Cicadellinae (Homoptera:
Cicadellidae), with an overview of pipunculid-host associations in the Nearctic region. Canadian
Entomologist 129:387-398.
- Thompson, J. N. 1994. The Coevolutionary Process. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
389 pp.
- Waage, J. And Greathead, D. 1986. Insect Parasitoids. Academic Press. London.
- Weigmann, B.M., Mitter, C., and Farrell, B. 1993. Diversification of carnivorous parasitic
insects: Extraordinary radation or specialized dead end? American Naturalist 142:737-754.
- Wood, D.M. 1987. Rhinophoridae. In J.F. McAlpine (ed.): Manual of Nearctic Diptera
Volume 2. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. Monograph No. 28. pp. 1187-1191.
- Wood, D.M. 1987. Tachinidae. In J.F. McAlpine (ed.): Manual of Nearctic Diptera Volume
2. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. Monograph No. 28. pp. 1193-1269.
- Yeates, D.K. 1994. The cladistics and classification of the Bombyliidae (Diptera: Asiloidea).
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 219:1-191.
Copyright 1998, John Stireman III