AZMET offers two types of comma delimited (ASCII format) data files: Hourly and Daily.
These raw data files can be loaded into spreadsheets and databases such as Excel and Access, etc. The raw files can also be read by advanced programming languages. In all raw data files, the units of measurement are Metric. In an effort to improve our service, we have made major changes to the format of our raw data files from 2003 to present. Both the Raw Hourly and Raw Daily files are altered. All data for 2003 has been reprocessed and put into these new formats. (Raw data files from 2002 and earlier, are still in the old original format. Although, we are considering reworking past years into the new format.) The Raw Hourly data has two new values added to the end of each line of data: Actual Vapor Pressure (hourly average) at data point position 17 Dewpoint (hourly average) at data point position 18 The hourly integrated heat unit value which was at data point position 17 will be removed due to lack of use. The more widely accepted sine curve heat unit value can still be found in the raw daily data. Each hourly line will have a total of 18 values. The Raw Daily data has three new values added to the end of each line of data: Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) by Penman-Monteith equation, at data point position 26 Actual Vapor Pressure (daily mean at data point position 27 Dewpoint (daily mean) at data point position 28 Also note that the positions of the original AZMET ETo and heat unit values have been transposed from the order of previous years. Each daily line will have a total of 28 values. In 1999 we changed the depths of our soil temperature sensors : 1999 Soil Temperature Depths . |
HOURLY FILES (2003 - Present) : ======================================= DATA POINT NUMBERS --> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | DATA --> 2003,254,1,20.9,42.2,1.4,0,0,25.5,27.6,1.6,1.3,147,33,2.6,.05,.34,-.3 Data Point Description ------ --------------------- 1 A Year 2 B Day of Year (DOY) 3 C Hour of Day 4 D Air Temperature 5 E Rel. Humidity 6 F Vapor Pressure Deficit 7 G Solar Radiation 8 H Precipitation 9 I 4" Soil Temperature ( = 2" prior to 1999 ) 10 J 20" Soil Temperature ( = 4" prior to 1999 ) 11 K Wind Speed (Ave) 12 L Wind Vector Magnitude 13 M Wind Vector Direction 14 N Wind Direction Standard Deviation 15 O Max Wind Speed 16 P Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) - Original AZMET ------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 Q Actual Vapor Pressure 'New' : 2003 to Present 18 R Dewpoint, Hourly Average 'New' : 2003 to Present DAILY FILES (2003 - Present) : ======================================= DATA POINT NUMBERS --> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | DATA --> 2003,254,6,40.2,15.1,27.6,69.9,7.9,33.5,3.1,23.45,0,38,22.4, 29.3,34.1,24.7,29.1,1.3,.5,14,66,4.2,12,6.2,6,.4,.2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | DATA POINT NUMBERS --> 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 * NOTE: Daily data is actually all on one line per day, it has been put on two lines here to label each data point by number. Data Point Description ------ --------------------- 1 A Year 2 B Day of Year (DOY) 3 C Station Number 4 D Air Temp - Max 5 E Air Temp - Min 6 F Air Temp - Mean 7 G RH - Max 8 H RH - Min 9 I RH - Mean 10 J VPD - Mean 11 K Solar Rad. - Total 12 L Precipitation - Total 13 M 4" Soil Temp - Max ( = 2" prior to 1999 ) 14 N 4" Soil Temp - Min ( = 2" prior to 1999 ) 15 O 4" Soil Temp - Mean ( = 2" prior to 1999 ) 16 P 20" Soil Temp - Max ( = 4" prior to 1999 ) 17 Q 20" Soil Temp - Min ( = 4" prior to 1999 ) 18 R 20" Soil Temp - Mean ( = 4" prior to 1999 ) 19 S Wind Speed - Mean 20 T Wind Vector Magnitude for Day 21 U Wind Vector Direction for Day 22 V Wind Direction Standard Deviation for Day 23 W Max Wind Speed 24 X Heat Units (30/12.8 C) (86/55 F) | positions 25 Y Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) = Original AZMET | switched 2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 Z Reference Evapotranspiration (ETos) = Penman-Monteith 'New' 2003-Present 27 AA Actual Vapor Pressure - Daily Mean 'New' 2003-Present 28 AB Dewpoint, Daily Mean 'New' 2003-Present STATION NUMBERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 = Tucson 11 = Litchfield 21 = Laveen 31 = Prescott 2 = Yuma Valley 12 = Phx. Greenway 22 = Queen Creek 32 = Payson 3 = Yuma Mesa 13 = Marana 23 = Harquahala 33 = Bowie 4 = Safford 14 = Yuma N. Gila 24 = Roll 34 = Kansas Settlement 5 = Coolidge 15 = Phx. Encanto 25 = Ciudad Obregon 35 = Parker-2 6 = Maricopa 16 = Eloy 26 = Buckeye 36 = Yuma South 7 = Aguila 17 = Dateland 27 = Desert Ridge 37 = San Simon 8 = Parker 18 = Scottsdale 28 = Mohave #2 38 = Sahuarita 9 = Bonita 19 = Paloma 29 = Mesa 10 = Citrus Farm 20 = Mohave 30 = Flagstaff
AZMET weather stations record and store data in metric units. The data contained in our Raw Hourly and Daily files is in metric units. The word 'English' here does not refer to the language. 'English' units are those units of measurements which were standardized and used throughout Great Britain. |
METRIC CONVERSION ENGLISH UNITS -----> UNITS =================================== Air Temperature................... DegC * 1.8 + 32 DegF Relative Humidity................. % -none- % Vapor Pressure Deficit............ KPas -none- KPas Solar Radiation................... MJ/Sq M * 23.89 Langleys Precipitation..................... MM * .03937 Inches Soil Temperature.................. DegC * 1.8 + 32 DegF Wind Speed........................ M/S * 2.237 MPH Wind Vector Magnitude............. M/S * 2.237 MPH Wind Vector Direction............. Deg -none- Deg Wind Direction Standard Deviation. Deg -none- Deg Reference Evapotranspiration...... MM * .03937 Inches Heat Units........................ (C) * 1.8 (F) The '*' symbol means "multiply by" METRIC ABBR. UNITS ============= ================================= Air Temperature................... DegC .... Degrees Centigrade Relative Humidity................. % ....... Percent Vapor Pressure Deficit............ KPas .... Kilopascals Solar Radiation................... MJ/Sq M . MegaJoules per Square Meter Precipitation..................... MM ...... Millimeters Soil Temperature.................. DegC .... Degrees Centigrade Wind Speed........................ M/S ..... Meters per Second Wind Vector Magnitude............. M/S ..... Meters per Second Wind Vector Direction............. Deg ..... Degrees Wind Direction Standard Deviation. Deg ..... Degrees Reference Evapotranspiration...... MM ...... Millimeters Heat Units........................ HU ...... Heat Units in Centigrade ENGLISH ABBR. UNITS ============= =================================== Air Temperature................... DegF ... Degrees Fahrenheit Relative Humidity................. % ...... Percent Vapor Pressure Deficit............ KPas ... Kilopascals Solar Radiation................... -- ..... Langleys Precipitation..................... In ..... Inches Soil Temperature.................. DegF ... Degrees Fahrenheit Wind Speed........................ MPH .... Miles per Hour Wind Vector Magnitude............. MPH .... Miles per Hour Wind Vector Direction............. Deg .... Degrees Wind Direction Standard Deviation. Deg .... Degrees Reference Evapotranspiration...... In ..... Inches Heat Units........................ HU ..... Heat Units in Fahrenheit