AZMET Raw Data Formats
Hourly and Daily Data Formats

     AZMET provides edited data in comma delimited ASCII format for 
     use in application and database programs. 
     There are two types of comma delimited data files: 
     1) Hourly  and  2) Daily.
     In all raw data files, the units of measurement are Metric.

  1) Hourly summaries contain hourly means and totals for all weather 
     parameters monitored or calculated by AZMET.  
     The Raw Hourly Data file will contain hourly data only.
     These files can be loaded into programs and data bases.

  2) Daily data files contain only the daily data summaries.
     The summary format differs slightly from that presented in the
     hourly data files. (See below).  

     All data summaries (both hourly and daily) terminate with a
     carriage return line feed character sequence.  The rest of 
     this document identifies the sequence and  units for individual
     data points within a given data summary.  Data points are 
     identified and described in the order in which they appear in
     the file (left to right).  NOTE!  Data declared bad by AZMET
     Editing routines will appear as the integer 9999 or 999.


   NUMBERS -->  1  2  3  4    5    6  7 8  9   10   11  12  13  14 15  16  17
                |  |  |  |    |    |  | |  |    |    |   |   |   |  |   |   |
   DATA -->    92,254,2,19.5,49.8,1.1,0,0,24.8,27,1,.8,192,37,1.5,.03,.28

       Hourly Summaries

    Data Point #         Explanation

               1    Year of data.  A two-digit number
                    representing the last two digits
                    of the year (e.g. 87 means 1987)

               2    Day of year.  This varies from 1 to
                    366 depending on the day of the year
                    and whether the year is Leap Year.

               3    Hour of day.  Varies from 1 to 24
                    and represents the time of day the
                    subsequent data were obtained.  For
                    data representing means and totals,
                    the time represents the end of the
                    averaging or totalizing period (e.g. 
                    means and totals obtained at hour 12
                    represent means and totals over the
                    60-minute period ending at 12:00). 

               4    Mean air temperature in degrees Celsius.

               5    Mean relative humidity in percent.

               6    Mean vapor pressure deficit in kilo-

               7    Total solar radiation in megajoules per
                    square meter.

               8    Total precipitation in millimeters.

               9    Current soil temperature at 5cm
                    depth in degrees Celsius.  Soil surface
                    is bare. Moved to 10cm in 1999. 

              10    Current soil temperature at 10cm
                    depth in degrees Celsius.  Soil surface
                    is bare.  Moved to 50cm in 1999.

              11    Mean wind speed in meters per second.

              12    Wind vector magnitude in meters per 

              13    Wind vector direction in degrees.

              14    Standard deviation of the wind     
                    direction in degrees.

              15    Maximum wind speed for hour in meters
                    per second.

              16    Reference crop evapotranspiration in

              17    Heat unit (degree day) total for hour.
                    Heat unit limits are 30 and 12.8 C.


   NUMBERS -->    1  2  3  4    5    6    7    8   9   10   11  12 13  14 
                  |  |  |  |    |    |    |    |   |    |    |   |  |   | 
   DATA -->      92,254,6,40.2,15.1,27.6,69.9,7.9,33.5,3.1,23.45,0,38,22.4,
                                   |    |    |    |   |  |   |  |  |   |   |
   DATA POINT NUMBERS -->         15   16   17   18  19 20  21 22 23  24  25  

 * NOTE: Daily data is actually all on one line per day,
         it has been put on two lines here to label each data point by number.

      Data Point #          Explanation

                 1  Year of data.  A two-digit number
                    representing the last two digits of
                    the year (e.g. 87 = 1987).

                 2  Day of year.  This varies from 1 to
                    366 depending on day of year and 
                    whether year is a Leap Year.

                 3  Station number.  Each station has an
                    assigned number to aid data retrieval
                    and database management.  Listed below
                    are the locations and their correspond-
                    ing station numbers:

         Station   Location               Station   Location 
         Number                           Number 
            1      Tucson                   14      Yuma North Gila
            2      Yuma Valley              15      Phoenix Encanto
            3      Yuma Mesa                16      Eloy
            4      Safford                  17      Dateland
            5      Coolidge                 18      Scottsdale
            6      Maricopa                 19      Paloma
            7      Aguila                   20      Mohave
            8      Parker                   21      Laveen
            9      Bonita                   22      Queen Creek
           10      Waddell, Citrus Farm     23      Harquahala
           11      Litchfield               24      Roll
           12      Phoenix Greenwa          25      Ciudad Obregon
           13      Marana                   26      Buckeye 
           27      Desert Ridge
           28      Mohave-2
           29      Mesa
           30      Flagstaff
           31      Prescott
           32      Payson
           33      Bowie
           34      Kansas Settlement
           35      Parker-2
           36      Yuma South
           37      San Simon
           38      Sahuarita

                 4  Maximum air temperature in degrees 

                 5  Minimum air temperature in degrees 

                 6  Mean air temperature in degrees

                 7  Maximum relative humidity in percent.

                 8  Minimum relative humidity in percent.

                 9  Mean relative humidity in percent.

                10  Mean vapor pressure deficit in kilo-

                11  Total solar radiation in megajoules per
                    square meter.

                12  Total precipitation in millimeters.

                13  Maximum soil temperature at 5cm depth
                    in degrees Celsius.  Bare soil surface.
                    Moved to 10cm in 1999.

                14  Minimum soil temperature at 5cm depth
                    in degrees Celsius.  Bare soil surface.
                    Moved to 10cm in 1999.

                15  Mean soil temperature at 5 cm depth in
                    degrees Celsius.  Bare soil surface.
                    Moved to 10cm in 1999.

                16  Maximum soil temperature at 10cm depth
                    in degrees Celsius.  Bare soil surface.
                    Moved to 50cm in 1999.

                17  Minimum soil temperature at 10cm depth
                    in degrees Celsius.  Bare soil surface.
                    Moved to 50cm in 1999.

                18  Mean soil temperature at 10cm depth in
                    degrees Celsius.  Bare soil surface.
                    Moved to 50cm in 1999.

                19  Mean wind speed in meters per second.

                20  Wind vector magnitude in meters per 

                21  Wind vector direction in degrees.

                22  Wind direction standard deviation in

                23  Maximum wind speed in meters per second.

                24  Total reference evapotranspiration in

                25  Daily heat unit (degree day) total.  
                    Heat unit limits are 30 and 12.8 C.