Library References
While there is a large volume of meterological information available
on the Internet, it represents only a small percentage of the actual total.
The majority of meteorological information resides in public and university
libraries. The Internet is no substitute for a good library.
Although it is tedious and time consuming, proper library research is
necessary for any project. Governments documents contain a wealth of
weather data. Librarians can provide assistance and suggstions in finding
resources. Most major libraries have inter-library loan agreements with
other institutions.
University of Arizona Library
AZMET Publications
Brown, P. and Russell, B. 1987-1995. Weather Data and On-Line
Documentation. The Arizona Meteorological Network (AZMET) Computer
Bulletin Board. The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension
Service, Tucson, AZ.
Brown, P. and Russell, B. 1987-1995. Weather Data and On-Line
Documentation. The Phoenix Node Turf Computer Bulletin Board.
The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Service, Tucson, AZ.
Phoenix City Water Conservation Department, Phoenix, AZ.
Brown, P., B. Russell, J. Silvertooth, L. Moore, S. Stedman,
G. Thacker, L. Hood, S. Husman, D. Howell and R. Cluff. 1992.
The Arizona Cotton Advisory Program. Cotton: A College of
Agriculture Report. J. Silvertooth (ed.). Series P-91. The University of
Arizona, Tucson, AZ. p. 233-240.
Brown, P. and B. Russell 1993. Weather Conditions During the 1992
Growing Season. Cotton: A College of Agriculture Report.
J. Silvertooth (ed.). Series P-94.
The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. p. 1-7.
Brown, P., B. Russell, J. Silvertooth, P. Ellsworth, S. Stedman,
G. Thacker, L. Hood, S. Husman, R. Cluff, and D. Howell.
1993. The Arizona Cotton Advisory Program. Cotton: A College of
Agriculture Report. J. Silvertooth (ed.). Series P-94.
The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. p. 11-16.
Brown, P. and B. Russell 1995. 1994 Weather Conditions.
Cotton: A College of Agriculture Report.
J. Silvertooth (ed.). Series P-99.
The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. p. 1-9.
Brown, P., B. Russell, J. Silvertooth, P. Ellsworth, S. Stedman,
G. Thacker, S. Husman, R. Cluff, and D. Howell, S. Winans and R. Grumbles.
1995. The 1995 Arizona Cotton Advisory Program. Cotton: A College of
Agriculture Report. J. Silvertooth (ed.). Series P-95.
The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. p. 13-19.
Brown, P., T. Machibya and B. Russell. 1995. Wind Flow Patterns at
The University of Arizona Agricultural Centers. Technical Bulletin 268.
The University of Arizona, Extension Service, Agricultural Experiment
Station, Tucson, AZ. 215 p.
Brown, P.W. and C.B. Tanner. 1981. Alfalfa water potential measurement:
a comparison of the pressure chamber and leaf dewpoint hygrometers. CropScience 21:240-244.
Brown, P.W. and C.B. Tanner. 1983. Alfalfa stem and leaf growth duringwater stress. Agronomy Journal 75:799-805.
Daughtry, C.J.T., W.P. Kustas, M.S. Moran, P.J. Pinter, Jr., R.D. Jackson,P.W. Brown, W.D. Nichols and L.W. Gay. 1990. Spectral estimates of netradiation and soil heat flux. Remote Sens. Environ. 32:111-124.
Yitayew, M. and P. Brown. 1990. Predicting daily evapotranspiration (ET)from short term values. J. Irr. and Drainage 116(3):387-398, ASCE.
Snyder, R.L., P.W. Brown, K.G. Hubbard and S. Meyers. 1992. Automatedagricultural weather networks. Submitted: Advances in Bioclimatology.
Brown, P.W. 1987. Using a computer bulletin board as an
agricultural weather information system.
Preprint Volume of the 18th Conf. on Agric. and Forest Meteor. and 8th Conf. on Biometeorology and Aerobiology, 14-18 Sept.1987. W. Lafayette, IN. Amer. Met
eor. Soc., Boston, MA. p. 67-69.
Brown, P.W. and M. Yitayew. 1988. Near-real time weather information forirrigation management in Arizona. In D.R. Hay (ed.) Planning now forirrigation and drainage in the 21st century. Proc. Conf. Irr. & Drain. Div.ASCE, 18-21 July 1988. Lincoln, N
E. ASCE, Irr. & Drain. Div., New York, NY.p. 708-715.
Brown, P.W. 1989. Estimating crop water use using weather-based
estimatesof evapotranspiration. Chpt. 3. In T. Scherer (ed.) Guide and reference forirrigation management and soil amendments. Univ. of Arizona Ext. In-ServiceTraining Manual. Univ. of
Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 21 p.
Brown, P.W. 1989. Heat units. Ext. Report #8915. Univ. of Arizona, Tucson,AZ. 12 p.
Brown, P.W. 1989. Accessing The Arizona Meteorological Network by computer.Ext. Report #8733. Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 26 p.
Brown, P.W. 1990. Helicopters and frost prevention: a preliminaryevaluation. Deciduous Fruit and Nut Report. Coop. Ext. & Agric. Exp. Sta.Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 5 p.
Brown, P.W. and S.J. Owen-Joyce. 1991. Remote sensing andevapotranspiration estimates: influence of ground-based meteorologicaldata. In: W. Kirby and W. Tan (ed) Proc. of the
US-People's Republic ofChina Bilateral Symposium on Droughts and
Arid-Region Hydrology. USGSOpen-File Rpt. 91-244. p. 161-166.
Brown, P., J. Silvertooth and L. Moore. 1991. Planting date andsusceptibility to pink bollworm. Cotton: A College of Agriculture Report.J. Silvertooth and M. Bantlin (ed.). Series P-87. The University ofArizona, Tucson, AZ. p. 126-132.
Kopec, D.M., P.W. Brown, C.F. Mancino, D.C. Slack and A. Matthias. 1991.Developing crop coefficients for desert turfgrass; calibrating reference ETwith water use. 1991 Turfgrass and Ornamental Research Summary. D.M. Kopec(ed). Series P-86.
The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. p. 43-46.
Brown, P.W. 1991. Normal values of heat unit accumulation for southernArizona. Extension Report. 190041. The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.61 p.
Cooperative Extension Task Force on Global Climate Change (K. Perry, B.Rein, C. Absher, P. Brown, D. Masonis, P. McCawley, N. Strommen and S.Taylor). 1991. Global climate change white paper. Cooperative ExtensionSystem, USDA, Washington, D.C. 7 p.
Brown, P., J. Silvertooth, L. Moore and T. Watson. Revised planting windowfor full season cotton varieties. Cotton: A College of Agriculture Report.J. Silvertooth (ed.). Series P-91. The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.p. 241-251.