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Training Resources
Pesticide Safety Links
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More information about upcoming events can be found on the Arizona Crop Information Site
Agricultural Pesticide Certification Training: Frequently Asked Questions
National Pesticide Applicator Certification: Core Manual This national training resource for Core certification is available for free online. Arizona Department of Agriculture will begin using this as the Arizona training resource as of August 1, 2009 .[Copied from the Resources section of the main pesticide safety page.]
Herbicide Resistance Weeds Training Module from the Weed Science Society of America.
EPA's Soil Fumigant Toolbox provides training, outreach, and other resource materials for applicators and handlers, communities, state and local agencies, and others interested in understanding and implementing the current requirements for safe use of soil fumigants.
IPM3 Provides a web-based opportunity for individuals interested in IPM to become proficient in the principles and application of IPM as taught by leading IPM authorities in diverse disciplines from various United States universities. Hosted by the University of Minnesota.
Official Announcement of IPM3 (PDF, 264K file size)
Background Information on IPM3(PDF, 88K file size)
Farm Press University In cooperation with the major agricultural universities, Farm Press® editors have developed continuing education courses that will allow consultants to conveniently access no-charge courses online to earn credits and meet the educational requirements of their licenses.
Forest Pest Control: Commercial Pesticide Applicator Training Manual (PDF, 2.7MB) from University of Missouri Extension. Individual printed copies are available for $12.00 each by calling 800-292-0969. [Copied from the Resources section of the main pesticide safety page.]
Aquatic Plant Management: Aquatic Pest Control Applicator Training Manual, available on DVD for $25 from the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
UA Pesticide Information and Training Office (PITO)
Pesticide Safety Education Program National program page.
National PSEP Coordinators Directory.
PSEP Report on EPA Interagency Agreement, 2001 - 2007 (PDF, 32KB)
University of Arizona Pesticide Information and Training Office
PestWise, an EPA Partnership Program
Pesticide Environmental Stewardship website A resource for information on the safe handling, storage and disposal of pesticides, from the Center for IPM.