Current Membership
Meeting Notes
APMC Membership
The activities of the Arizona Pest Management Center are directed with input from the IPM Coordinating Committee, a steering committee made up of UA faculty and stakeholders from across the state with expertise in entomology, plant pathology and weed science. Dr. Peter Ellsworth, Director of the APMC and Arizona’s IPM Coordinator, convenes the committee and oversees all aspects of the APMC. Dr. Al Fournier, Associate Director of the APMC and IPM Program Manager, reports to the committee and manages daily activities.
IPM Coordinating Committee & APMC staff, Aug 30, 2017. Left to Right, front row: Alex Hu, Peter Ellsworth, Al Fournier, Marco Pe–a; middle: Blase Evancho, Dawn Gouge, Amanda Crump, Shaku Nair, Lucy Li, Junior Evans, Michael Matheron, Juan Pe–a; back row: Tom Montoya, Michael Lindsey, Jack Peterson, Bill McCloskey, Michael Wierda, Lindsey Evans, John Palumbo, Kai Umeda, Ayman Mostafa.
Current Membership
Name |
Title/Expertise |
Department/Location |
Telephone |
Keith Birkemeyer |
Associate Certified Entomologist |
ProBest Pest Management |
602-819-4646 |
Paul Brown (ex-officio) | Associate Director of Programs | UA Cooperative Extension | | 520-419-2991 |
Matt Baur |
Interim Director |
Western IPM Center |
530-750-1270 |
Peter Ellsworth |
Director of APMC, IPM Coordinator, IPM Specialist, entomologist |
Entomology, Maricopa Agricultural Center |
480-331-APMC |
Blase Evancho |
Assistant in Extension, Agriculture |
Pinal & Pima Counties |
520-705-0871 |
Junior Evans |
Sales Representative |
Dow AgroSciences |
928-446-5705 |
Lin Evans |
Independent Pest Control Advisor |
Lin Evans Enterprises |
602-390-4722 |
Jim Farrar | Director | UC Statewide IPM Program | | 530-750-1271 |
Al Fournier |
Associate Director of APMC, IPM Program Manager, entomologist |
Maricopa Agricultural Center |
520-374-6240 |
George Frisvold |
Extension Economist |
Agricultural and Resource Economics, Tucson Campus |
520-621-6269 |
Dawn Gouge |
Specialist / Professor, urban entomologist |
Entomology, Maricopa Agricultural Center |
520-374-6223 |
Alex Hu |
Assistant Specialist & Asst. Professor |
School of Plant Sciences, Tucson Campus |
520-626-6287 |
Mike Matheron |
Extension Specialist and Research Scientist, plant pathologist |
School of Plant Sciences, Yuma Agricultural Center |
928-782-5863 |
Bill McCloskey |
Weed Science Specialist |
School of Plant Sciences, Tucson campus |
520-621-7613 |
Tom Montoya |
Pest Control Advisor |
Fertizona Company - San Tan |
520-483-0204 |
Ayman Mostafa |
Area Extension Agent, IPM |
Maricopa County Cooperative Extension |
602.827.8200 ext. 313 |
Randy Norton |
Regional Extension Specialist/Resident Director |
Safford Ag Center, Cochise, Graham & Greenlee Counties |
928-651-0420 |
John Palumbo |
Co-Director of APMC, Extension Specialist, entomologist |
Entomology, Yuma Agricultural Center |
928-782-3836 |
Jack Peterson |
Assoc. Director, Environmental Services Division |
Arizona Dept. of Agriculture |
602-542-3575 |
Ursula Schuch |
Associate Specialist, Arid Ornamentals |
School of Plant Sciences, Tucson campus |
520-621-1060 |
Kai Umeda |
Area Extension Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Turfgrass IPM & weed science |
Maricopa County Cooperative Extension |
602-827-8200 |
IPM Coordinating Committee (April 21, 2009), from left to right: Bob Roth, Dawn
Gouge, Pat Clay, Bill McCloskey, Mary Olsen, John Palumbo, Erin Taylor (resigned),
Lin Evans, Mike Matheron, Kai Umeda, Ursula Schuch, Peter Ellsworth, Rick Melnicoe.
IPM Coordinating Committee and guests photographed April 13, 2011. Back row (left
to right): Lin Evans, Wayne Dixon (guest), John Palumbo, Marco Peña (guest); second
row: Bryan Stevens (guest), Ed Martin, Pat Clay, Bill McCloskey, Ayman Mostafa;
front row: Shawna Loper, Lydia Brown (guest), Al Fournier.
Additional committee members (shown in photo below): Bob Roth,
Dawn Gouge, Mary Olsen, Mike Matheron, Kai Umeda, Ursula Schuch, Peter Ellsworth,
Rick Melnicoe.
Not shown: Paul Baker,
Casey Bulter, Rick Gibson and Barry Pryor.
Meeting Notes
November 30, 2018
Meeting Agenda (PDF, 172KB)
Meeting Notes (PDF, 717KB)
Introduction, Peter Ellsworth (PDF, 52.1MB)
School & Community IPM, Shaku Nair (PDF, 14.9MB)
Public Health IPM, Lucy Li & Dawn Gouge (PDF, 50.2MB)
Agronomic Crops IPM, Naomi Pier (PDF, 3MB)
Western IPM Center Update, Matt Baur (PDF, 8.8MB)
UC IPM Program Update, Jim Farrar (PDF, 5MB)
August 30, 2017
Meeting Notes (PDF,
December 9, 2016
Meeting Notes (PDF,
May 8, 2015
Meeting Agenda (PDF,
Meeting Notes (PDF,
April 30, 2014
Meeting Notes (PDF,
March 21, 2013
Meeting Notes (PDF,
April 13, 2011
Meeting Agenda (PDF, 174KB)
Meeting Notes (PDF,
Agronomic Crops IPM
Team Update, Lydia Brown (PDF, 302KB)
Vegetable IPM Team Update,
John Palumbo and Marco Peña (PDF, 8.3MB)
IPM Coordination & IPM
Assessment, Al Fournier and Wayne Dixon (PDF, 6.9MB)
APMC Organizational Chart
(revised 4-13-11) (PDF, 303KB)
Community IPM Team Logic Model
(PDF, 105KB)
Agronomic IPM Team
Logic Model (PDF, 46KB)
Cotton IPM: A Quiet Revolution
Reduces Costs, Losses and Risks for Arizona's Cotton Growers, University
of Arizona College of
Agriculture and Life Sciences 2011 Impact Report (PDF, 70KB)
APMC Leverage Report
to IPM-CC (PDF, 30KB)
Extension IPM 2009-2010 Report (PDF, 940KB)
June 21, 2010: CALS Executive Council
Ellsworth presentation
to the Executive Council (PDF, 2.5MB)
APMC Proposal to the Executive Council for Extension
IPM (PDF, 231KB)
June 3, 2010
Meeting Notes (PDF, 236KB)
Presentation: EIPM Grant Scope & Budget,
Peter Ellsworth (PDF, 1.2MB)
April 7, 2010
Meeting Notes (PDF, 177KB)
Pesticide Safety Education Program 2009 Minigrants
Summary Report (PDF, 80KB)
October 22, 2009 (PDF, 217KB)
September 30, 2009 (PDF, 190KB)
April 21, 2009 (PDF, 179KB)
December 10, 2008 (PDF, 190KB)
October 2, 2008 (PDF, 193KB)
February 20, 2008 (PDF, 298KB)
November 14, 2007 (PDF, 186KB)
December 15, 2006 (PDF, 608KB)
April 28, 2006 (PDF, 568KB)
January 13, 2006 (PDF, 288KB)
May 31, 2005 (PDF, 100KB)