University of Arizona

2006 USDA Risk Avoidance and Mitigation Program (RAMP) Project


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Publications and Outputs
RAMP Partners Meeting: June 22-23, 2009
Lygus Survey

Developing and implementing field and landscape level reduced-risk management strategies for Lygus in Western cropping systems


Ellsworth, P., P. Goodell, M. Parajulee, S. Bundy, S. Naranjo, J. Bancroft, J. Blackmer, Y. Carriere, A. Fournier, L. Godfrey, J. Hagler, J. Palumbo, J. Rosenheim, D. Kerns. Developing and Implementing Field and Landscape Level Reduced-Risk Management Strategies for Lygus in Western Cropping Systems. USDA Risk Avoidance and Mitigation Program (RAMP), Project # ARZT-358320-G-30-505, CRIS# 0207436. $2,500,000.(Sept 2006 – Aug 2010).

Project Collaborators: Andrew Corbett, Pierre Dutilleul, Bob Hutmacher, M. J. Jimenez, R. Molinar, Shannon Mueller, Russ Tronstad.

Project Affiliates: Colin Brent, Rodney Cooper, Christa Ellers-Kirk, Lolita Mathew, Francis Scheller, Dale Spurgeon.


Project Abstract

Recent gains in IPM have been substantial, largely through adoption / integration of new insect control technologies. Further progress in IPM and opportunities to better manage risk (economic, environmental and human health) are now largely rooted in our ability to better manage the agroecosystem overall. There is a major need to develop innovative, ecologically-based area wide systems of management, especially for mobile, multicrop pests like Lygus spp., which can undermine gains in IPM and stifle new opportunities by requiring broadly toxic, disruptive inputs for control. At the same time, growers require the training and tools to better understand and incorporate these landscape level processes into their individual and area wide IPM plans.

Our goal is to develop, improve and deliver sustainable, area wide management strategies for Lygus in the Western agricultural landscape and reduce all forms of risk. The direct consequences of our comprehensive research, extension, and implementation plan will be improved productivity and profitability in an array of new, major-acreage, and high-value Lygus-affected crops, as well as significant enhancements in environmental quality and reduced risks to human health due to expected reductions in area wide pest density and the need for broadly toxic, organophosphates, carbamates and cyclodienes currently in use against this pest.

We will accomplish this 1) through the development and implementation of improved field-level practices that will lower mean pest densities over large areas when adopted widely, and 2) by creating a landscape-level understanding of Lygus crop and non-crop source-sink relationships that will provide insight into how to manipulate landscape elements in space and time to limit risk of Lygus damage, economic loss, and environmental harm.

This integrated systems approach capitalizes on a comprehensive multi-state, regional research and extension collaboration that will synergize an innovative outreach, demonstration, and delivery system that will serve as a model for understanding and implementing landscape level IPM in other systems.


Project Objectives

  1. Define yield-density relationships & other key economic information to improve field-level control systems in upland and Pima cottons, vegetable and vegetable seed crops, chili peppers, eggplant, dry beans, and burgeoning new crops, lesquerella and guayule;
  2. expand and replace limited and broadly toxic control options through evaluation and demonstration of reduced-risk chemistries for Lygus control and for conservation of key natural enemies;
  3. develop spatially-explicit statistical and simulation models of Lygus source-sink relationships and movement potential to identify opportunities for strategic planting and coordinated crop & pest management; and
  4. develop a coordinated extension program that includes on-farm demonstration and stakeholder-engaged research, organized outreach activities as well as an innovative gaming simulation training for growers around a theme of coordinated, cross-commodity practices, risk avoidance, and area wide Lygus suppression through improved field practices and landscape manipulation.


Project Reports





Publications and Outputs

Presentations, publication and other outputs related to the RAMP project are available on the RAMP Outputs page.


RAMP Project Partners Meeting

Lygus-RAMP Project Partners meeting, June 22-23, 2009, Maricopa Agricultural Center, Maricopa, Arizona.

This meeting brought together the majority of RAMP PIs and several collaborators and colleagues to review our progress on over 30 RAMP projects, identify challenges and pending objectives, and to strategize on successful completion of RAMP objectives.


Lygus Management Survey

A Lygus management survey was developed by the RAMP Evaluation team (Fournier, Ellsworth, Goodell, Parajulee & Bundy) to measure changes in Lygus management practices, knowledge, and use of available resources. Survey instruments are available on the Lygus Survey page.



2nd International Lygus Symposium, April 15-19, 2007, Pacific Grove, California, USA

1st International Lygus Symposium, Jan 30 - Feb 3, 2005, Ottawa, Canada

For more information about this project, please contact Peter Ellsworth.



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Copyright © 2006 University of Arizona,
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Webmaster: Al Fournier (apmc@cals.arizona.edu)