2005 RIPM:
Spatially Explicit Approaches for Measuring and Implementing Higher Level, Multi-Crop, Multi-Pest IPM
Ellsworth, P., A. Fournier, Y. Carriere and J. Palumbo. Spatially Explicit Approaches for Measuring and Implementing Higher Level, Multi-Crop, Multi-Pest IPM. $60,000 (July 2005 - June 2007).
Project Abstract
Our goal is to elevate IPM, and its implementation and adoption, to a level of organization that spans multiple crops and pests over entire agroecosystems. IPM in the sensitive environments of the desert Southwest (including AZ, CA, and Mexico) is vulnerable to the destabilizing impact of mobile polyphagous pests (whiteflies and aphid species) that are capable of attacking our nation's major source of winter vegetables, melons, and cotton. Because of the year-round growing season present in desert cropping systems and the chronic nature of pest incidence, emphases are needed on areawide reduction of pest populations through all means possible.
As part of well-developed IPM programs for these crops, growers have rapidly accepted and adopted selective and other reduced-risk technologies for the control of these and other pests (e.g., Bt cotton, whitefly-specific insect growth regulators, and organophosphate replacements). Now, with some of these key selective tools available broadly across multiple crops, we are challenged to preserve these valuable IPM tactics by protecting them from resistance. We have developed IPM guidelines for cross-commodity management of whiteflies that transcend field or grower borders and depend on group adoption over large areas to be effective in areawide source reduction as well as in proactive resistance management for major reduced-risk technologies (e.g., IGRs and neonicotinoids).
We propose to develop a novel approach for measuring spatially-relevant adoption of our IPM guidelines. This new analytical approach will make use of pesticide use reporting data and GIS/GPS technology as a means to understanding the areawide adoption of our cross-commodity guidelines and to further guide future research, technology transfer, and outreach efforts. We believe that the results of this analysis will enable us to develop better, more responsive approaches to IPM guidelines generation, evaluation and education, while enhancing the economic welfare of our growers and better protecting human health of farm workers, growers, and consumers of fresh vegetables and melons in the U.S. At the same time, our model system of analysis should be broadly applicable to the measurement and improvement of IPM systems worldwide.
Project Objectives
- Develop new methods and analytical framework for measuring spatially-relevant adoption of reduced-risk IPM tactics.
- Gain understanding and insight into the adoption of specific reduced-risk chemistries and other IPM behaviors in Arizona cropping systems.
- Develop a better, more responsive approach to IPM guidelines generation, evaluation, and education.
Final report submitted CSREES PDF, 59KB
Final report, full-length version PDF, 93KB
Ellsworth, P., J. Palumbo, A. Fournier & Y. Carriere. 2008. Cross-commodity Insecticide usage: Spatial Analysis
of Management Practices, Control & Risks. (4 slides/page with notes,
PDF file 1.7MB)
Presented at WERA-069 Western IPM Coordinators Meeting, Chena Hot Springs, Alaska. May 20, 2008.
Ellsworth, P., J. Palumbo, A. Fournier & Y. Carriere. 2008. Beyond Field Borders: Cross-commodity Resistance Management of Bemisia tabaci - Spatial Evaulation of Group Adoption of Neonicotinoid Guidelines. (2 slides/page with notes , PDF file 1.8MB) Presented at the 2008 Entomological Society of America, Plant-Insect Interactions Symposium, Reno, NV. Nov 18, 2008.
Ellsworth, P., J. Palumbo, A. Fournier & Y. Carriere. 2009. Measuring Adoption of Cross-commodity IPM Guidelines for Whitefly Control. (2 slides/page with notes, PDF file 1.2MB). Presented at the Fifth International Bemisia Workshop, Guangzhou, China. Nov 10, 2009.
Fournier, A. & P.C. Ellsworth. 2009. 1080 Database: Supporting Research, Evaluation and Registration Needs in Arizona. (2 slides/page with notes, PDF file 796KB) Preseason Vegetable Workshop. Yuma, AZ. August 26.2009.
For more information about this project, please contact Peter Ellsworth.