•  Area codes used in the surface maps and their positions:
  • Area codes and their GPS positions(GPS_X and GPS_Y):
    • 1: X: 100,000-120,000; Y: 3,400,000-3,340,000
    • 2: X: 130,000-180,000; Y: 3,380,000-3,330,000
    • 3: X: 190,000-240,000; Y: 3,410,000-3,360,000 and X:200,000-230,000; Y: 3,336,000-3,340,000
    • 4: X: 260,000-310,000; Y: 3,400,000-3,350,000 
    • 5: X: 130,000-180,000; Y: 3,320,000-3,270,000
    • 6: X: 90,000-120,000; Y: 3,280,000-3,250,000
    • 7: X: 270,000-340,000; Y: 3,310,000-3,240,000
    • 8: X: 100,000-120,000; Y: 3,220,000-3,190,000
    • 9: X: 0-30,000; Y: 3,180,000-3,150,000
    • 10: X: 170,000-200,000; Y: 3,250,000-3,220,000
    • 11: X: 20,000-40,000; Y: 3,150,000-3,120,000

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