October-November, 2006
A scientific visit on "The Thematic Area of Bio-Solids Treatment and Reuse" was held from October 28, 2006 until November 16, 2006. Two participants from the Royal Scientific Society in Jordan attended this Study Tour. Dr. Charles Gerba was the lead professor and Drs. Ian Pepper, Janick Artiola, and David Quanrud gave lectures on various areas bio-solids treatment and re-use. Dr. Gerba's lab assistants worked with the visitors in the lab and the hands-on portion of the visit.
May, 2004
The thrid and final Scientific Study Tour for fiscal year 2003-2004 occurred from May 6th through May 22nd. Four Jordanians came to this two-week study tour. They were from NCARTT, BRDP, WAJ, and ASEZA. This Study Tour was led by Dr. Christopher Choi and focused on bio-solids and wastewater reuse. The participants visited Yuma, Quartzsite, Lake Havasu City and Phoenix on field trips; to learn about solar drying beds, understanding Colorado River water allocation, policy and shortages, and hydraulic structures in the Lower Colorado River Basin. They were given infomration regarding the impact on Colorado River salinity. Also this group was introducted to wastewater and bio-solids management issues at Lake Havasu, and cooperative extension work done in Phoenix by the University of Arizona.
April, 2004
The second Scientific Study Tour was held from April 16th through May 1st. Two participants from Hashemite University came to work with Dr. Ramzi Touchan, Director of the Tree Ring Laboratory, on Dendrochronology and Drought Predictions. The two participants had an intensive study tour that included techniques of dendrochronology such as: hydrology and water resources management, tree-ring sampling, and other multidisciplinary approaches to studying drought patterns
December, 2003
The first Scientific Study Tour was held from December 1st through the 13th, 2003. Six participants from Jordan came to study about reclaimed water and bio-solids reuse. They attended lectures, laboratory sessions, and field trips to different sites in Arizona to see how wastewater and the bio-solids reuse are handled. Many of the members of our Technical Assistance Team participated in this Study Tour, giving lectures, demonstrations, and working with our Jordanian participants in the laboratories.