About the Arid Lands Newsletter

Arid Lands Newsletter

Publishing schedule, purpose, and audience

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The Arid Lands Newsletter is published semiannually for an international readership by the Arid Lands Information Center (ALIC) at The Office of Arid Lands Studies, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Arizona. The purpose of the Arid Lands Newsletter is to explore events and issues of interest to arid lands researchers, resource managers, and policy makers around the globe. When quoting from the Arid Lands Newsletter, we would appreciate appropriate recognition. ALIC also produces several other web resources on arid lands.


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The opinions expressed in the articles published in the Arid Lands Newsletter are those of the author(s). They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Arid Lands Newsletter editor, the Office of Arid Lands Studies, the College of Agriculture, or The University of Arizona.

Copyright statement

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All of the materials in this web site are copyrighted either by the individual authors or the Arid Lands Newsletter at The University of Arizona, under the auspices of the Arizona Board of Regents. In general, the text of each article is copyrighted by the author(s); images used on the site are copyrighted by the photographer(s); and the web site itself, along with all of its contents as coded and arranged for the web, is copyrighted by The University of Arizona. Materials from this site may not be published on any web site or used in any commercial endeavor in any form without written permission from the Arid Lands Newsletter and/or the individual copyright holder. Some materials are copyrighted by other entities, and are used by the Arid Lands Newsletter with their permission. In such cases, permission must be granted by the copyright holder. If you have questions about specific articles or columns, please contact the editor.

How to receive notice of the Arid Lands Newsletter by email or on paper

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  • Email Summary. An email subscription list is maintained for those who wish to be notified of the publication of each issue of ALN. As of ALN No. 58, this notification includes the table of contents of the current issue with pointers to the web address of each article; it also includes a copy of the call for papers for the upcoming issue.
    To subscribe, send this message (leaving the subject line blank):
    subscribe aridlands-nl
    to this address:
  • Paper Summary. For those who have Internet access, but who wish to print out a paper index for each issue, an abridged print edition of The Arid Lands Newsletter (with abstracts of each article and pointers to the web address of each article) is available as a .pdf file from the table of contents of ALN No. 58 and more recent issues. To request a subscription, write to the editor at the address below.
  • Paper Summary for those with no Internet access: Readers with no Internet access who wish to receive the paper summary version may send a request to the editor at the postal address below.

How to contact the editor

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Please address paper summary subscription requests, letters of comment, article proposals and queries, or news items to:

Katherine Waser, Editor
The Arid Lands Newsletter
Office of Arid Lands Studies
The University of Arizona
1955 East 6th Street
Tucson, Arizona 85719-5224
Tel: +1 (520) 621-8584
Fax: +1 (520) 621-3816
E-mail: kwaser@ag.arizona.edu

About the Pre-Web Archives

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Web publication of ALN began only with Issue No. 35. Prior to that, ALN was only available in hard copy. Furthermore, some of the older paper-only issues are now out of print. Therefore, as a service to ALN readers, the Arid Lands Information Center has begun a project to upload selected articles, and sometimes virtually entire issues, to the ALN web site. Decisions on which issues/articles to upload are made by the ALIC web development team based on input from ALN readers. Readers who would like to suggest pre-web articles or issues for uploading are requested to contact the editor at the address given above.

ALN Home Back issues, originally published via the Web Pre-web issue archive